School Profile: P.S. 27 Agnes Y. Humphrey School
Welcome to the school profile for P.S. 27 Agnes Y. Humphrey School! Looking for local school information?
P.S. 27 Agnes Y. Humphrey School is located at 27 Huntington Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231. The contact phone number is (718) 330-9285. It has a student/teacher ratio of 9.28.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Brooklyn.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: New York City Geographic District #15
- Grade Range: PK - 8
- Students: 464
- Teachers (FTE): 50
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 9.28
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of P.S. 27 Agnes Y. Humphrey School
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Brooklyn
- Primary Schools
- P.S. 15 Patrick F. Daly School
- 71 Sullivan Street
- Brooklyn, NY 11231
- (718) 330-9280
- P.S. 32 Samuels Mills Sprole School
- 317 Hoyt Street
- Brooklyn, NY 11231
- (718) 330-9295
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- 330 Smith Street
- Brooklyn, NY 11231
- (718) 330-9322
- P.S. 146
- 610 Henry St
- Brooklyn, NY 11231
- (718) 923-4750
- Middle Schools
- Brooklyn School For Collaborative Studies
- 610 Henry St
- Brooklyn, NY 11231
- (718) 923-4711
- New Horizons School
- 317 Hoyt St
- Brooklyn, NY 11231
- (718) 330-9227
- The Upper Carroll School
- 345 Dean St
- Brooklyn, NY 11231
- (718) 330-9328
- High Schools
- South Brooklyn Community Hs For Leadership
- 173 Conover St
- Brooklyn, NY 11231
- (718) 422-1915
- Other Schools
- Williamsburg Charter High School
- 424 Leonard St
- Brooklyn, NY 11231
- (718) 782-9830
- Other Schools
- M.S. 378 Carroll Gardens School
- 610 Henry Street
- Brooklyn, NY 11231
- (718) 923-4600