School Profile: Cobble Hill School For American Studies
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Cobble Hill School For American Studies is located at 347 Baltic Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. The contact phone number is (718) 403-9544. It has a student/teacher ratio of 17.85.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Brooklyn.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: New York City Geographic District #15
- Grade Range: 9 - 12
- Students: 928
- Teachers (FTE): 52
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 17.85
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Cobble Hill School For American Studies
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Brooklyn
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- Brooklyn, NY 11201
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- Brooklyn, NY 11201
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- Middle Schools
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- Brooklyn, NY 11201
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- High Schools
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- 49 Flatbush Ave Ext
- Brooklyn, NY 11201
- (718) 643-9315
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- Brooklyn, NY 11201
- (718) 694-8357
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- 105 Tech Place
- Brooklyn, NY 11201
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- Brooklyn, NY 11201
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- Brooklyn, NY 11201
- (718) 855-7155
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- 49 Flatbush Avenue Extension
- Brooklyn, NY 11201
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- Other Schools
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- Brooklyn, NY 11201
- (718) 694-9741
- School For International Studies
- 284 Baltic Street
- Brooklyn, NY 11201
- (718) 330-9390
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- Brooklyn, NY 11201
- (718) 858-2307
- Urban Assembly School Of Music And Art
- 49 Flatbush Ave Ext
- Brooklyn, NY 11201
- (718) 858-0249