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Pharis F. Fedde Middle Profile

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School Profile: Pharis F. Fedde Middle

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Pharis F. Fedde Middle is located at 21409 South Elaine Ave., Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1025. The contact phone number is (562) 924-2309. It has a student/teacher ratio of 20.64.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Abc Unified
  • Grade Range: 7 - 8
  • Students: 578
  • Teachers (FTE): 28
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 20.64
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Pharis F. Fedde Middle

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Primary Schools
A. E. Arnold Elementary
9281 Denni St.
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 220-6965
Aloha Elementary
11737 East 214th St.
Lakewood, CA 90715
(310) 824-8329
Burcham Elementary
5610 East Monlaco Rd.
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 420-2685
Carver Elementary
5335 East Pavo St.
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 420-2697
Christine P. Swain Elementary
5851 Newman St.
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 220-6985
Clara J. King Elementary
8710 Moody St.
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 220-6980
Cubberley Elementary
3200 Monogram Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 420-8810
Ella P. Melbourne Elementary
21314 Claretta Ave.
Lakewood, CA 90715
(562) 924-1658
Francis Hopkinson Elementary
12582 Kensington Rd.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 799-4500
Frank Vessels Elementary
5900 Cathy Ave.
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 220-6990
George B. Miller Elementary
7751 Furman Rd.
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 228-3270
Hawaiian Elementary
12350 East 226th St.
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 594-9525
Henry Elementary
3720 Canehill Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 421-3754
Jack L. Weaver Elementary
11872 Wembley Rd.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 799-4580
Juliet Morris Elementary
9952 Graham St.
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 220-6995
Keller Elementary
7020 East Brittain St.
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 421-8851
Los Alamitos Elementary
10862 Bloomfield St.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(714) 816-3300
Los Coyotes Elementary
8122 Moody St.
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 228-3260
Margaret Landell Elementary
9739 Denni St.
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 220-6960
Newcomb Elementary
3351 Val Verde Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 493-3596
Palms Elementary
12445 East 207th St.
Lakewood, CA 90715
(562) 924-5549
Richard Henry Lee Elementary
11481 Foster Rd.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 799-4540
Robert C. Cawthon Elementary
4545 Myra Ave.
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 220-6970
Rossmoor Elementary
3272 Shakespeare Dr.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 799-4520
Steve Luther Elementary
4631 La Palma Ave.
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 220-6918
Twain Elementary
5021 East Centralia St.
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 421-8421
Venn W. Furgeson Elementary
22215 Elaine Ave.
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 421-8285
Willow Elementary
11733 East 205th St.
Lakewood, CA 90715
(562) 865-6209
Middle Schools
Bancroft Middle
5301 East Centralia St.
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 425-7461
Demille Middle
7025 East Parkcrest St.
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 421-8424
Lexington Junior High
4351 Orange Ave.
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 220-4201
Marshall Middle
5870 East Wardlow Rd.
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 429-7013
Oak Middle
10821 Oak St.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 799-4740
Sharon Christa Mcauliffe Middle
4112 Cerritos Ave.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(714) 816-3320
Walker Junior High
8132 Walker St.
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 220-4051
High Schools
Artesia High
12108 East Del Amo Blvd.
Lakewood, CA 90715
(562) 926-5566
Cypress High
9801 Valley View St.
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 220-4144
John F. Kennedy High
8281 Walker St.
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 220-4105
Laurel High (Continuation)
10291 Bloomfield St.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 799-4820
Los Alamitos High
3591 Cerritos Ave.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 799-4780
Oxford High
5172 Orange Ave.
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 220-3056
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