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Middle Fork Elementary Profile

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School Profile: Middle Fork Elementary

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Middle Fork Elementary is located at 3125 Williston Road, Walkertown, NC 27051. The contact phone number is (336) 727-2995. It has a student/teacher ratio of 34.87.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Forsyth County Schools
  • Grade Range: PK - 5
  • Students: 523
  • Teachers (FTE): 15
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 34.87
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Middle Fork Elementary

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Primary Schools
Arts Based Elementary
1380 Martin Luther King Jr Dr
Winston Salem, NC 27101
(336) 748-4116
Ashley Elementary
1647 East 21st Street
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 727-2343
Cash Elementary
4700 Old Hollow Road
Kernersville, NC 27284
(336) 996-3321
Ibraham Elementary
5036 Old Walkertown
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 661-4850
Kernersville Elementary
512 W Mountain Street
Kernersville, NC 27284
(336) 996-1080
Kimberley Park Elementary
1700 Old Cherry Street
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 727-2116
Latham Elementary
986 Hutton Street
Winston Salem, NC 27101
(336) 727-2310
Mineral Springs Elementary
4527 Ogburn Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 661-4860
North Hills Elementary
340 Alspaugh Drive
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 661-4940
Petree Elementary
3815 Old Greensboro Road
Winston Salem, NC 27101
(336) 748-3454
Piney Grove Elementary
1500 Piney Grove Road
Kernersville, NC 27284
(336) 993-0372
Quality Education Academy
5012 D Lansing Drive
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 744-0804
Sedge Garden Elementary
475 Sedge Garden Road
Kernersville, NC 27284
(336) 771-4545
The Downtown School
601 N Cherry Street
Winston Salem, NC 27101
(336) 727-2914
The East Winston Primary
1612 E 14th Street
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 725-7507
Union Cross Elementary
4300 High Point Road
Kernersville, NC 27284
(336) 769-9031
Walkertown Elementary
2971 Main Street
Walkertown, NC 27051
(336) 595-2311
Middle Schools
Downtown Middle
280 S Liberty Street
Winston Salem, NC 27101
(336) 748-3838
East Forsyth Middle
4690 Old Hollow Road
Kernersville, NC 27284
(336) 703-6765
Hanes Middle
2900 Indiana Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 727-2252
Kennedy Learning
1000 N Highland Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27101
(336) 727-2085
Kernersville Middle
110 Brown Road
Kernersville, NC 27284
(336) 996-5566
Mineral Springs Middle
4559 Ogburn Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 661-4870
Southeast Middle
1200 Old Salem Road
Kernersville, NC 27284
(336) 996-5848
Walkertown Middle
3175 Ruxton Drive
Walkertown, NC 27051
(336) 595-2161
High Schools
Carver High
3545 Carver School Road
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 727-2987
East Forsyth High
2500 W Mountain Street
Kernersville, NC 27284
(336) 727-2265
North Forsyth High
5705 Shattalon Drive
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 661-4880
R B Glenn High
1600 Union Cross Road
Kernersville, NC 27284
(336) 771-4500
Other Schools
Lowrance Middle
2900 Indiana Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 727-2524
Paisley Middle
1400 Grant Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27105
(336) 727-2775
Sch Computer Technology Atkins
3605 Old Greensboro Rd
Winston Salem, NC 27101
(336) 703-6754
Sch Of Biotechnology Atkins Hi
3605 Old Greensboro Rd
Winston Salem, NC 27101
(336) 703-6754
Sch Pre Engineering Atkins Hig
3605 Old Greensboro Rd
Winston Salem, NC 27101
(336) 703-6754
Winston Salem Preparatory Acad
1215 North Cameron Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27101
(336) 727-2781
Other Schools
Atkins Middle
1215 N Cameron Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27101
(336) 727-2781
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