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Williford Elementary Profile

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School Profile: Williford Elementary

Welcome to the school profile for Williford Elementary! Looking for local school information?

Williford Elementary is located at 801 Williford St, Rocky Mount, NC 27803-3825. The contact phone number is (252) 446-5113. It has a student/teacher ratio of 13.81.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Nash Rocky Mount Schools
  • Grade Range: PK - 5
  • Students: 594
  • Teachers (FTE): 43
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 13.81
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Williford Elementary

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Primary Schools
Baskerville Elementary
1100 Stokes Ave
Rocky Mount, NC 27801
(252) 977-3324
Benvenue Elementary
2700 Nicodemus Mile Rd
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
(252) 937-5622
Coker Wimberly Elementary
1619 Nc 97 West
Battleboro, NC 27809
(252) 823-4446
D S Johnson Elementary
600 Fairview Rd
Rocky Mount, NC 27801
(252) 977-3485
Englewood Elementary
101 Englewood Dr
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
(252) 462-2501
Fairview Early Childhood Ctr
Fairview Road
Rocky Mount, NC 27801
(252) 985-4320
G W Bulluck Elementary
3090 Bulluck School Road
Rocky Mount, NC 27801
(252) 985-3456
James C Braswell Elementary
220 S Pearl St
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
(252) 977-3327
M B Hubbard Elementary
7921 Red Oak Battleboro Rd
Battleboro, NC 27809
(252) 446-5135
O R Pope Elementary
226 Coleman Ave
Rocky Mount, NC 27801
(252) 977-3487
Winstead Avenue Elementary
Winstead Avenue
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
(252) 451-5530
Middle Schools
G R Edwards Middle
720 Edwards St
Rocky Mount, NC 27803
(252) 977-3328
J W Parker Middle
1500 E Virginia St
Rocky Mount, NC 27801
(252) 977-3486
Phillips Middle
1407 Leggett Battleboro Road
Battleboro, NC 27809
(252) 446-2031
Red Oak Middle
3170 Red Oak/Battleboro Road
Battleboro, NC 27809
(252) 451-5500
West Edgecombe Middle
6301 Nobles Mill Pond Road
Rocky Mount, NC 27801
(252) 446-2030
High Schools
N Rms Middle College High
530 N Old Carriage Road
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
(252) 451-2890
Nash Central High
4279 Nash Central High Road
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
(252) 451-2860
Northern Nash High
4230 Green Hills Rd
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
(252) 937-5600
Rocky Mount High
308 S Tillery St
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
(252) 977-3085
Other Schools
Rocky Mount Preparatory
3334 Bishop Road
Battleboro, NC 27809
(252) 443-9923
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