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Lipman Middle Profile

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School Profile: Lipman Middle

Welcome to the school profile for Lipman Middle! Looking for local school information?

Lipman Middle is located at One Solano St., Brisbane, CA 94005-1342. The contact phone number is (415) 467-9541. It has a student/teacher ratio of 23.19.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Brisbane Elementary
  • Grade Range: 6 - 8
  • Students: 218
  • Teachers (FTE): 9.4
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 23.19
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Lipman Middle

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Primary Schools
Bayshore Elementary
155 Oriente St.
Daly City, CA 94014
(415) 467-0442
Bret Harte Elementary
1035 Gilman Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94124
(415) 330-1520
Brisbane Elementary
500 San Bruno Ave.
Brisbane, CA 94005
(415) 467-0120
Buri Buri Elementary
120 El Campo Dr.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 877-8776
Charles R. Drew Elementary
50 Pomona Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94124
(415) 330-1526
Cleveland Elementary
455 Athens St.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 469-4709
Edward R. Taylor Elementary
423 Burrows St.
San Francisco, CA 94134
(415) 330-1530
El Dorado Elementary
70 Delta St.
San Francisco, CA 94134
(415) 330-1537
George Washington Carver Elementary
1360 Oakdale Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94124
(415) 330-1540
George Washington Elementary
251 Whittier St.
Daly City, CA 94014
(650) 991-1236
Guadalupe Elementary
859 Prague St.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 469-4718
Hillcrest Elementary
810 Silver Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94134
(415) 469-4722
John F. Kennedy Elementary
785 Price St.
Daly City, CA 94014
(650) 991-1239
Longfellow Elementary
755 Morse St.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 469-4730
Los Cerritos Elementary
210 West Orange Ave.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 877-8841
Malcolm X Academy
350 Harbor Rd.
San Francisco, CA 94124
(650) 696-5950
Martin Elementary
35 School St.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 877-3955
Monroe Elementary
260 Madrid St.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 469-4736
Panorama Elementary
25 Bellevue Ave.
Daly City, CA 94014
(415) 586-6595
Ponderosa Elementary
295 Ponderosa Rd.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 877-8825
San Francisco Community Alternative
125 Excelsior St.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 469-4739
Sheridan Elementary
431 Capitol Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 469-4743
Spruce Elementary
501 Spruce Ave.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 877-8780
Sunnyside Elementary
250 Foerster
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 469-4746
Sunshine Gardens Elementary
1200 Miller Ave.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 877-8784
Susan B. Anthony Elementary
575 Abbot Ave.
Daly City, CA 94014
(650) 997-7880
Visitacion Valley Elementary
55 Schwerin St.
San Francisco, CA 94134
(415) 469-4796
Woodrow Wilson Elementary
43 Miriam St.
Daly City, CA 94014
(650) 991-1255
Middle Schools
Alta Loma Middle
116 Romney Ave.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 877-8797
Brown, Jr. (Willie L.) College Preparatory Academy
2055 Silver Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94124
(415) 695-5400
Garnet J. Robertson Intermediate
One Martin St.
Daly City, CA 94014
(415) 467-5443
Gloria R. Davis Middle
1195 Hudson St.
San Francisco, CA 94124
(415) 695-5390
James Denman Middle
241 Oneida Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 469-4535
Kipp Bayview Academy
1060 Key Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94124
(415) 467-2522
Luther Burbank Middle
325 La Grande Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 469-4580
Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Middle
350 Girard St.
San Francisco, CA 94134
(415) 330-1500
Parkway Heights Middle
825 Park Way Ave.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 877-8788
Thomas R. Pollicita Middle
550 East Market St.
Daly City, CA 94014
(650) 991-1216
Visitacion Valley Middle
450 Raymond Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94134
(415) 469-4590
Westborough Middle
2570 Westborough Blvd.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 877-8848
High Schools
Baden High (Continuation)
825 Southwood Dr.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 877-8769
Balboa High
1000 Cayuga St.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 469-4090
El Camino High
1320 Mission Rd.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 877-8806
Independence High (Alternative)
1717 44th Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 242-2528
Jefferson High
6996 Mission St.
Daly City, CA 94014
(650) 550-7700
Leadership High
300 Seneca Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 841-8910
Phillip And Sala Burton Academic High
400 Mansell St.
San Francisco, CA 94134
(415) 469-4550
South San Francisco High
400 B St.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 877-8754
Thornton High
115 First Ave.
Daly City, CA 94014
(650) 550-7840
Thurgood Marshall Academic High
45 Conkling St.
San Francisco, CA 94124
(415) 695-5612
Other Schools
City Arts And Tech High
301 De Montfort Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 561-3397
June Jordan School For Equity
325 La Grande Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94112
(415) 452-4922
Other Schools
Hillside Elementary
1400 Hillside Blvd.
S. San Franci, CA 94080
(650) 877-8801
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