School Profile: Miller South Visual Perf Arts Middle School
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Miller South Visual Perf Arts Middle School is located at 1055 East Ave, Akron, OH 44307-1441. The contact phone number is (330) 761-1765. It has a student/teacher ratio of 8.52.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Akron City
- Grade Range: 4 - 8
- Students: 460
- Teachers (FTE): 54
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 8.52
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Miller South Visual Perf Arts Middle School
Nearby Schools
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- Akron, OH 44307
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- Akron, OH 44307
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- 619 Sumner St
- Akron, OH 44311
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- 530 S Main St
- Akron, OH 44311
- (330) 315-1813