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George Washington Elementary Profile

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School Profile: George Washington Elementary

Welcome to the school profile for George Washington Elementary! Looking for local school information?

George Washington Elementary is located at 2322 North Lincoln St., Burbank, CA 91504-2625. The contact phone number is (818) 558-5550. It has a student/teacher ratio of 16.36.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Burbank Unified
  • Grade Range: KG - 5
  • Students: 548
  • Teachers (FTE): 33.5
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 16.36
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of George Washington Elementary

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Primary Schools
Bret Harte Elementary
3200 West Jeffries Ave.
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 558-5533
Fernangeles Elementary
12001 Art St.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 767-0380
Glenwood Elementary
8001 Ledge Ave.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 767-6406
Joaquin Miller Elementary
720 East Providencia Ave.
Burbank, CA 91501
(818) 558-5460
Providencia Elementary
1919 North Ontario St.
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 558-5470
R. L. Stevenson Elementary
3333 Oak St.
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 558-5522
Ralph Emerson Elementary
720 East Cypress Ave.
Burbank, CA 91501
(818) 558-5419
Roscoe Elementary
10765 Strathern St.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 767-3018
Stonehurst Avenue Elementary
9851 Stonehurst Ave.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 767-8014
Theodore Roosevelt Elementary
850 North Cordova St.
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 558-4668
Thomas Edison Elementary
2110 West Chestnut St.
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 558-4644
Thomas Jefferson Elementary
1900 North Sixth St.
Burbank, CA 91504
(818) 558-4635
Vinedale Elementary
10150 La Tuna Canyon Rd.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 767-0106
Walt Disney Elementary
1220 West Orange Grove Ave.
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 558-5385
William Mckinley Elementary
349 West Valencia Ave.
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 558-5477
Middle Schools
David Starr Jordan Middle
420 South Mariposa St.
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 558-4622
John Muir Middle
1111 North Kenneth Rd.
Burbank, CA 91504
(818) 558-5320
Luther Burbank Middle
3700 West Jeffries Ave.
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 558-4646
Richard E. Byrd Middle
9171 Telfair Ave.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 767-9550
Sun Valley Middle
7330 Bakman Ave.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 765-3010
High Schools
Burbank High
902 North Third St.
Burbank, CA 91502
(818) 558-4700
Burbank Usd Community Day
223 East Santa Anita.
Burbank, CA 91502
(818) 558-4683
Burroughs High
1920 Clark Ave.
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 558-4777
John H. Francis Polytechnic
12431 Roscoe Blvd.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 767-4860
Monterey High (Continuation)
1915 Monterey Ave.
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 558-5455
Options For Youth Burbank Charter
1701 West Verdugo
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 566-7525
Robert H. Lewis Continuation
12508 Wicks St.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 767-3759
Other Schools
Magnolia Park
827 Avon St.
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 558-4677
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