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Independent Elementary Profile

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School Profile: Independent Elementary

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Independent Elementary is located at 21201 Independent School Rd., Castro Valley, CA 94552-4826. The contact phone number is (510) 537-9558. It has a student/teacher ratio of 20.84.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Castro Valley Unified
  • Grade Range: KG - 5
  • Students: 469
  • Teachers (FTE): 22.5
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 20.84
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Independent Elementary

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Primary Schools
Bowman Elementary
520 Jefferson St.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 293-8567
Burbank Elementary
353 B St.
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 293-8568
Castro Valley Elementary
20185 San Miguel Ave.
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 537-1919
Chabot Elementary
19104 Lake Chabot Rd.
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 537-2342
Cherryland Elementary
585 Willow Ave.
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 293-8569
Colonial Acres Elementary
17115 Meekland Ave.
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 317-4500
Dublin Elementary
7997 Vomac Rd.
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 833-1204
East Avenue Elementary
2424 East Ave.
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 293-8570
Eldridge Elementary
26825 Eldridge Ave.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 293-8503
Eleanor Murray Fallon
3601 Kohnen Way
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 875-9376
Fairview Elementary
23515 Maud Ave.
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 293-8571
Frederiksen Elementary
7243 Tamarack Dr.
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 828-1037
Glassbrook Elementary
975 Schafer Rd.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 293-8505
Harder Elementary
495 Wyeth Rd.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 293-8572
Hayward Project
27035 Whitman St.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 537-6572
Hillview Crest Elementary
31410 Wheelon Ave.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 471-5720
James Dougherty Elementary
5301 Hibernia Dr.
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 803-4444
Jensen Ranch
20001 Carson Ln.
Castro Valley, CA 94552
(510) 537-3000
John Muir Elementary
24823 Soto Rd.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 293-8575
Longwood Elementary
850 Longwood Ave.
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 293-8507
Lorenzo Manor Elementary
18250 Bengal St.
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 317-5400
Markham Elementary
1570 Ward St.
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 293-8574
Marshall Elementary
20111 Marshall St.
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 537-2431
Murray Elementary
8435 Davona Dr.
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 828-2568
Nielsen Elementary
7500 Amarillo Dr.
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 828-2030
Palomares Elementary
6395 Palo Verde Rd.
Castro Valley, CA 94552
(510) 582-4207
Proctor Elementary
17520 Redwood Rd.
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 537-0630
Schafer Park Elementary
26268 Flamingo Ave.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 293-8520
Shepherd Elementary
27211 Tyrrell Ave.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 293-8522
Stanton Elementary
2644 Somerset Ave.
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 727-9192
Strobridge Elementary
21400 Bedford Dr.
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 293-8576
Treeview Elementary
30565 Treeview St.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 293-8577
Vannoy Elementary
5100 Vannoy
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 537-1832
Middle Schools
Canyon Middle
19600 Cull Canyon Rd.
Castro Valley, CA 94552
(510) 538-8833
Cesar Chavez Middle
27845 Whitman Rd.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 293-8581
Creekside Middle
19722 Center St.
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 247-0665
Wells Middle
6800 Penn Dr.
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 828-6227
High Schools
Alameda County Alternative/Opportunity
313 West Winton Ave.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 670-4558
Alameda County Community
313 West Winton Ave.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 670-6619
Alternative Learning Academy At Conley Caraballo H
541 Blanche St.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 471-5126
Brenkwitz High
22100 Princeton St.
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 293-8330
Castro Valley High
19400 Santa Maria Ave.
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 537-5910
Core Learning Academy At Conley Caraballo High
541 Blanche St.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 471-5126
Dublin High
8151 Village Pkwy.
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 833-3300
Hayward High
1633 East Ave.
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 293-8586
Redwood Alternative High
18400 Clifton Way
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 537-3193
Redwood Continuation High
18400 Clifton Way
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 537-3193
Royal Sunset (Continuation)
20450 Royal Ave.
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 317-4400
Tennyson High
27035 Whitman Rd.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 293-8591
Valley High (Continuation)
6901 York Dr.
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 829-4322
Other Schools
Roy A. Johnson High
4430 Alma Ave.
Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 537-9534
Other Schools
East Bay Arts High
20450 Royal Ave.
Hayward, CA 94541
Special Education
313 W. Winton Ave.
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 670-7737
Stonebrae Elementary
28761 Hayward Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94542
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