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Bluejacket Es Profile

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School Profile: Bluejacket Es

Welcome to the school profile for Bluejacket Es! Looking for local school information?

Bluejacket Es is located at 244 Northeast Third Street, Bluejacket, OK 74333-0029. The contact phone number is (918) 784-2266. It has a student/teacher ratio of 12.38.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Bluejacket.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Bluejacket
  • Grade Range: PK - 5
  • Students: 99
  • Teachers (FTE): 8
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 12.38
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Bluejacket Es

Nearby Schools

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Primary Schools
Hall Halsell Es
402 W. Clyde
Vinita, OK 74301
(918) 256-6692
Nichols Es
504 14th Nw
Miami, OK 74354
(918) 542-3309
Rockdale Es
2116 Rockdale Blvd.
Miami, OK 74354
(918) 542-6697
Roosevelt Es
129 G Ne
Miami, OK 74354
(918) 542-5576
Washington Es
1930 B.N.E.
Miami, OK 74354
(918) 542-3394
Welch Es
707 South Curtis
Welch, OK 74369
(918) 788-3130
White Oak Es
27355 South 4340 Road
Vinita, OK 74301
(918) 256-4484
Will Rogers Es
101 South Smith Street
Vinita, OK 74301
(918) 256-5350
Wilson Es
308 G Nw
Miami, OK 74354
(918) 542-8419
Middle Schools
Bluejacket Ms
276 Northeast Third Street
Bluejacket, OK 74333
(918) 784-2365
Vinita Ms
226 N. Miller
Vinita, OK 74301
(918) 256-2402
Welch Jr Sr Hs (Jr)
707 South Curtis
Welch, OK 74369
(918) 788-3222
Will Rogers Ms
504 Goodrich Blvd.
Miami, OK 74354
(918) 542-5588
High Schools
Bluejacket Hs
276 Northeast Third Street
Bluejacket, OK 74333
(918) 784-2365
Miami Hs
2000 East Central
Miami, OK 74354
(918) 542-4421
Vinita Hs
801 N. Adair
Vinita, OK 74301
(918) 256-6777
Welch Jr Sr Hs (Sr)
707 South Curtis
Welch, OK 74369
(918) 788-3222
White Oak Hs
27355 South 4340 Road
Vinita, OK 74301
(918) 256-4484
Other Schools
Kindergarten Ctr
319 A St Sw
Miami, OK 74354
(918) 542-1377
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