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Will Rogers Es Profile

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School Profile: Will Rogers Es

Welcome to the school profile for Will Rogers Es! Looking for local school information?

Will Rogers Es is located at 1215 E. 9th Street, Edmond, OK 73034-5708. The contact phone number is (405) 340-2995. It has a student/teacher ratio of 16.97.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Edmond.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Edmond
  • Grade Range: PK - 5
  • Students: 650
  • Teachers (FTE): 38.3
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 16.97
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Will Rogers Es

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Primary Schools
Angie Debo Es
16060 North May Avenue
Edmond, OK 73013
(405) 340-2270
Charles Haskell Es
1701 N. W. 150th
Edmond, OK 73013
(405) 340-2945
Chisholm Es
2300 Se 33rd St.
Edmond, OK 73013
(405) 340-2950
Clegern Es
601 S.Jackson
Edmond, OK 73034
(405) 340-2955
Cross Timbers Es
4800 N. Kelly
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 340-2200
Deer Creek Es
4704 Nw 164
Edmond, OK 73013
(405) 348-9100
Eisenhower Es
1301 N.E. 101st Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73131
(405) 841-3111
Ida Freeman Es
501 W. Hurd
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 340-2965
John Ross Es
1901' North Thomas Drive
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 340-2970
Northern Hills Es
901 East Wayne
Edmond, OK 73034
(405) 340-2975
Oakdale Es
10901 N Sooner
Edmond, OK 73013
(405) 771-3373
Orvis Risner Es
2801 S. Rankin
Edmond, OK 73013
(405) 340-2984
Prairie Vale Es
22522 N. Pennsylvania
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 359-3170
Russell Dougherty Es
19 N. Boulevard
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 340-2985
Sunset Es
400 W. 8th Street
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 340-2990
Washington Irving Es
18101 North Western
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 340-2210
Middle Schools
Central Ms
500 E. 9th Street
Edmond, OK 73034
(405) 340-2890
Cheyenne Ms
1271 W. Covell Road
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 330-7380
Cimarron Ms
3701 S. Bryant
Edmond, OK 73013
(405) 340-2935
Deer Creek Ms
21175 N. Macarthur
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 348-4830
Sequoyah Ms
1125 East Danforth Road
Edmond, OK 73034
(405) 340-2900
Summit Ms
1703 Nw 150th
Edmond, OK 73013
(405) 340-2920
High Schools
Deer Creek Hs
6101 N. W. 206th St.
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 348-5720
Memorial Hs
1000 E. 15th
Edmond, OK 73013
(405) 340-2850
North Hs
215 W. Danforth
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 340-2875
Santa Fe Hs
1901 Sw 15th Street
Edmond, OK 73013
(405) 340-2230
Other Schools
Justice A.W. Seeworth Academy
12600 Ne Kelley Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73131
(405) 475-5540
Other Schools
Rose Union Es
5100 Nw 220th
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 348-6100
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