School Profile: Marietta Ms
Welcome to the school profile for Marietta Ms! Looking for local school information?
Marietta Ms is located at 510 Gilliam Street, Marietta, OK 73448-0289. The contact phone number is (580) 276-3886. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.80.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Marietta.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Marietta
- Grade Range: 6 - 8
- Students: 207
- Teachers (FTE): 13.1
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.80
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Marietta Ms
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Marietta
- Primary Schools
- Dickson Es
- 4762 State Hwy. 199
- Ardmore, OK 73401
- (580) 223-9509
- Greenville Es
- Rt. 1, Box 440
- Marietta, OK 73448
- (580) 276-2968
- Marietta Es
- 508 Gilliam
- Marietta, OK 73448
- (580) 276-2455
- Plainview Ies
- 1140 S. Plainview Road
- Ardmore, OK 73401
- (580) 223-6437
- Plainview Primary Es
- 1140 S. Plainview
- Ardmore, OK 73401
- (580) 223-5757
- Thackerville Es
- Intersections Of Hwys 77 & 153
- Thackerville, OK 73459
- (580) 276-9655
- Turner Es
- Highway 32 West
- Burneyville, OK 73430
- (580) 276-2707
- Middle Schools
- Dickson Jhs
- 4762 Hwy 199
- Ardmore, OK 73401
- (580) 223-2700
- Dickson Upper Es
- 4762 State Highway 199
- Ardmore, OK 73401
- (580) 223-1443
- Plainview Ms
- 1140 South Plainview Road
- Ardmore, OK 73401
- (580) 223-6502
- High Schools
- Dickson Hs
- Hwy 177 & 199 Intersection
- Ardmore, OK 73401
- (580) 226-0633
- Marietta Hs
- Highway 77 South
- Marietta, OK 73448
- (580) 276-3204
- Plainview Hs
- 1140 South Plainview Road
- Ardmore, OK 73401
- (580) 223-5877
- Thackerville Hs
- Jcts. Hwys 77 & 153
- Thackerville, OK 73459
- (580) 276-3610
- Turner Hs
- Highway 32 West
- Burneyville, OK 73430
- (580) 276-3873