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Newkirk Es Profile

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School Profile: Newkirk Es

Welcome to the school profile for Newkirk Es! Looking for local school information?

Newkirk Es is located at 701 West South, Newkirk, OK 74647-0288. The contact phone number is (580) 362-2279. It has a student/teacher ratio of 14.37.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Newkirk.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Newkirk
  • Grade Range: PK - 5
  • Students: 319
  • Teachers (FTE): 22.2
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 14.37
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Newkirk Es

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Primary Schools
Adams Elementary
1201 N 10th
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-2040
C 4 Elementary
11945 292nd Road
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-2045
E. M. Trout Es
2109 E Prospect
Ponca City, OK 74604
(580) 767-8070
Frances Willard Elementary
201 N 4th
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-2050
I X L Elementary
6758 322nd Road
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-2055
Jefferson Elementary
131 Osage Ave
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-2060
Kaw City Es
904 Washunga
Kaw City, OK 74641
(580) 269-2911
Kildare Es
1265 Church Street
Ponca City, OK 74604
(580) 362-2811
Liberty Es
505 W Liberty St
Ponca City, OK 74601
(580) 767-8040
Lincoln Es
1501 West Grand St
Ponca City, OK 74601
(580) 767-8050
Mccord Es
977 S. Mccord Rd
Ponca City, OK 74604
(580) 765-8806
Peckham Es
7175 West School Street
Newkirk, OK 74647
(580) 362-2633
Roosevelt Elementary
300 North B
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-2070
Roosevelt Es
815 E. Highland
Ponca City, OK 74601
(580) 767-8060
Union Es
2617 N Union St
Ponca City, OK 74601
(580) 767-8035
Washington Es
1615 North 7th Street
Ponca City, OK 74601
(580) 767-8080
Woodlands Es
2005 E. Woodlands Road
Ponca City, OK 74604
(580) 767-8025
Middle Schools
Arkansas City Middle Sch
400 E Kansas Ave
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-2030
Newkirk Ms
711 South Academy
Newkirk, OK 74647
(580) 362-2516
Ponca City West Ms
1401 W, Grand
Ponca City, OK 74601
(580) 767-8020
High Schools
Arkansas City High
1200 W Radio Lane
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-2010
Newkirk Hs
221 South Main Street
Newkirk, OK 74647
(580) 362-6241
Ponca City Hs
927 North 5th St
Ponca City, OK 74601
(580) 767-9500
Other Schools
Ponca City East Ms
612 E. Grand Ave.
Ponca City, OK 74601
(580) 767-8010
Other Schools
Garfield Academy
601 S 7th
Ponca City, OK 74601
(580) 767-8030
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