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Jackson Ms Profile

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School Profile: Jackson Ms

Welcome to the school profile for Jackson Ms! Looking for local school information?

Jackson Ms is located at 2601 South Villa, Oklahoma City, OK 73108-6037. The contact phone number is (405) 634-6357. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.32.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Oklahoma City.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Oklahoma City
  • Grade Range: 6 - 8
  • Students: 605
  • Teachers (FTE): 39.5
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.32
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Jackson Ms

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Primary Schools
Adams Es
3416 Sw 37th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 685-5811
Arthur Es
5100 South Independence
Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 685-9553
Buchanan Es
4126 Nw 18th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
(405) 942-2049
Capitol Hill Es
2717 S. Robinson
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
(405) 235-3531
Cleveland Es
2725 N 23rd St
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
(405) 945-1150
Columbus Enterprise School
2402 S. Pennsylvania Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
(405) 632-3012
Coolidge Es
5212 South Villa
Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 685-2777
Emerson Alternative Ed. (Es)
715 North Walker
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 232-5273
Fillmore Es
5200 S Blackwelder
Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 634-1878
Hawthorne Es
2300 Nw 15th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
(405) 524-5644
Heronville Es
1240 S.W. 29th
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
(405) 634-7957
Lee Es
424 Southwest 29th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
(405) 634-5685
Linwood Es
3416 Nw 17
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
(405) 943-5623
Mark Twain Es
2451 West Main Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
(405) 232-3724
Pierce Es
2701 S. Tulsa Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
(405) 685-1988
Rancho Village Es
1401 Johnston Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 634-1303
Rockwood Es
3101 Sw 24th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
(405) 685-5444
Stand Watie Es
3517 South Linn
Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 681-2266
Van Buren Es
2700 S.W. 40th
Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 686-4080
Westwood Es
1701 Exchange Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
(405) 235-8810
Middle Schools
Emerson Alternative Ed. (Ms)
715 North Walker
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 232-5273
Roosevelt Ms
3233 Sw 44th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 685-7795
Santa Fe South Jhs
301 Se 38th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
(405) 409-7706
Taft Ms
2901 Nw 23rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
(405) 946-1431
High Schools
Capitol Hill Hs
500 S.W. 36
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
(405) 616-1210
Emerson Alternative Ed. (Hs)
715 North Walker
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 232-5273
Northwest Classen Hs
2801 Nw 27th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
(405) 942-5551
U. S. Grant Hs
5016 S Pennsylvania
Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 685-6621
Other Schools
Astec Charter Ms
2401 Nw 23rd Street; Suite 3
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
(405) 947-6274
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