School Profile: Oologah Talala Upper Es
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Oologah Talala Upper Es is located at 9500 South Highway 169, Oologah, OK 74053-0189. The contact phone number is (918) 443-6041. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.88.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Oologah Talala
- Grade Range: 3 - 5
- Students: 381
- Teachers (FTE): 24
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.88
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Oologah Talala Upper Es
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Oologah
- Primary Schools
- Claremont Es
- 318 E 7th Street
- Claremore, OK 74017
- (918) 341-0273
- Collinsville Ec Wilson Es
- 402 North 17th Street
- Collinsville, OK 74021
- (918) 371-2477
- Herald Es
- 12818 N. 129th E. Ave.
- Collinsville, OK 74021
- (918) 371-4173
- Oologah Talala Lower Es
- Highway 169
- Oologah, OK 74053
- (918) 443-6141
- Roosa Es
- 2001 N Sioux
- Claremore, OK 74017
- (918) 341-5242
- Sequoyah Es
- 16441 E. 4180 Rd
- Claremore, OK 74017
- (918) 341-6111
- Westside Es
- 2600 Holly Road
- Claremore, OK 74017
- (918) 699-7301
- Middle Schools
- Central Upper Es
- 102 W. 10th Street
- Claremore, OK 74017
- (918) 341-7744
- Collinsville Ms
- 1424 W.Center
- Collinsville, OK 74021
- (918) 371-2541
- Oologah Talala Ms
- 9500 S Hwy. 169
- Oologah, OK 74053
- (918) 443-6151
- Sequoyah Jhs
- 16405 S. 4180 Rd.
- Claremore, OK 74017
- (918) 341-5537
- Sequoyah Upper Es
- 16441 S. 4180 Rd.
- Claremore, OK 74017
- (918) 343-8106
- Will Rogers Jhs
- 1915 North Florence Ave
- Claremore, OK 74017
- (918) 341-7411
- High Schools
- Claremore Hs
- 1910 N. Florence
- Claremore, OK 74017
- (918) 341-0724
- Collinsville Hs
- 2400 West Broadway
- Collinsville, OK 74021
- (918) 371-3382
- Oologah Talala Hs
- 9500 South Highway 169
- Oologah, OK 74053
- (918) 443-6211
- Sequoyah Hs
- 16401 South 4180 Road
- Claremore, OK 74017
- (918) 341-0642