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John F Kennedy Middle School Profile

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School Profile: John F Kennedy Middle School

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John F Kennedy Middle School is located at 2200 Bailey Hill Rd, Eugene, OR 97405-1098. The contact phone number is (541) 687-3241. It has a student/teacher ratio of 19.87.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Eugene Sd 4 J
  • Grade Range: 6 - 8
  • Students: 457
  • Teachers (FTE): 23
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 19.87
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of John F Kennedy Middle School

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Primary Schools
Adams Elementary School
950 W 22nd Ave
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3475
Crest Drive Elementary School
1155 Crest Dr
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3371
Eastside Alternative
3875 Kincaid St
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3303
Edgewood Elementary School
577 E 46th Ave
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3363
Ellis Parker Elementary School
3875 Kincaid St
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3303
Evergreen Alternative
577 E 46th Ave
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3363
Fox Hollow French Immersion School
5055 Mahalo
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3177
Goshen Elementary School
34020 B St
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 744-6422
Magnet Arts Alternative
1650 W 22nd Ave
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3331
Mccornack Elementary School
1968 Brittany Dr
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3451
Ridgeline Montessori
2855 Lincoln St
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 681-9662
Twin Oaks Elementary School
85916 Bailey Hill Rd
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3417
Village School
2855 Lincoln St
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 345-7285
Middle Schools
Spencer Butte Middle School
500 E 43rd Ave
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3237
Theodore Roosevelt Middle School
680 E 24th Ave
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3227
Thomas Jefferson Middle School
1650 W 22nd Ave
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3221
High Schools
Churchill Alternative High School
1850 Bailey Hill Rd
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3421
Opportunity Center
3411 B Willamette St
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3488
Winston Churchill High School
1850 Bailey Hill Rd
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3421
Other Schools
Hillside Alternative
950 W 22nd Ave
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 687-3475
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