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Walter L Kraxberger Middle School Profile

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School Profile: Walter L Kraxberger Middle School

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Walter L Kraxberger Middle School is located at 17777 Webster Rd, Gladstone, OR 97027-1499. The contact phone number is (503) 655-3636. It has a student/teacher ratio of 21.58.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Gladstone.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Gladstone Sd 115
  • Grade Range: 5 - 8
  • Students: 669
  • Teachers (FTE): 31
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 21.58
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Walter L Kraxberger Middle School

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Primary Schools
Ardenwald Elementary School
8950 Se 36th Ave
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 653-3656
Bilquist Elementary School
15708 Se Webster Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97267
(503) 653-3660
Bolton Primary School
5933 Holmes St
West Linn, OR 97068
(503) 673-7050
Campbell Elementary School
11326 Se 47th Ave
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 653-3674
Candy Lane Elementary School
5901 Se Hull St
Milwaukie, OR 97267
(503) 785-8150
Carus School
14412 S Carus Rd
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 632-3130
Cedaroak Park Primary School
4515 S Cedaroak Dr
West Linn, OR 97068
(503) 673-7100
Clackamas Elementary School
15301 Se 92nd Ave
Clackamas, OR 97015
(503) 653-3663
Concord Elementary School
3811 Se Concord Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97267
(503) 653-3665
El Puente
11250 Se 27th Ave
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 653-3805
Gaffney Lane Elementary School
13521 S Gaffney Ln
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 785-8600
Holcomb Elementary School
14625 S Holcomb Blvd
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 785-8100
Jennings Lodge Elementary School
18521 Se River Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97267
(503) 785-8035
John Mcloughlin Elementary School
19230 S End Rd
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 785-8650
John Wetten Elementary School
250 E Exeter
Gladstone, OR 97027
(503) 656-6564
King Elementary School
995 S End Rd
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 785-8250
Lewelling Elementary School
5325 Se Logus Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 653-3691
Linwood Elementary School
11909 Se Linwood Ave
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 653-3676
Milwaukie Elementary School
11250 Se 27th Ave
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 653-3681
Mt Pleasant Elementary School
1232 Linn Ave
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 785-8700
Oak Grove Elementary
2150 Se Torbank Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 353-5520
Oregon Trail Elementary School
13895 Se 152nd Dr
Clackamas, OR 97015
(503) 658-2808
Park Place Elementary School
16075 S Front Ave
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 785-8050
Redland Elementary School
18131 S Redland Rd
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 785-8500
Riverside Elementary School
16303 Se River Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97267
(503) 653-3687
Sojourner School
1905 Se Oak Grove Blvd
Milwaukie, OR 97267
(503) 513-4540
Stafford Primary School
19875 Sw Stafford Rd
West Linn, OR 97068
(503) 673-7150
Sunnyside Elementary School
13401 Se 132nd Ave
Clackamas, OR 97015
(503) 698-3146
Sunset Primary School
2351 Oxford St
West Linn, OR 97068
(503) 673-7200
Three Rivers Charter School
4975 Willamette Falls Dr
West Linn, OR 97068
(503) 723-6019
View Acres Elementary School
4828 Se View Acres Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97267
(503) 653-3694
Whitcomb Elementary School
7400 Se Thompson Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 653-3679
Wichita Elementary School
6031 Se King Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 653-3697
Willamette Primary School
1403 Se 12th St
West Linn, OR 97068
(503) 673-7250
Middle Schools
Alder Creek Middle School
13801 Se Webster Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97267
(503) 353-5700
Athey Creek Middle School
2900 Sw Borland Rd
West Linn, OR 97068
(503) 673-7400
Gardiner Middle School
180 Ethel St
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 785-8200
Ogden Middle School
14133 S Donovan Rd
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 785-8300
Rosemont Ridge Middle School
20001 Salamo Rd
West Linn, OR 97068
(503) 673-7550
Rowe Middle School
3606 Se Lake Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 353-5725
Sunrise Middle School
14331 Se 132nd
Clackamas, OR 97015
(503) 353-5750
High Schools
Clackamas High School
14486 Se 122nd Ave
Clackamas, OR 97015
(503) 353-5800
Clackamas Middle College
19729 S Hwy 213
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 518-5929
Gladstone High School
18800 Portland Ave
Gladstone, OR 97027
(503) 655-2544
Milwaukie High School
11300 Se 23rd Ave
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 353-5830
New Urban High School
1901 Se Oak Grove Blvd
Milwaukie, OR 97267
(503) 353-5925
Oregon City Senior High School
19761 S Beavercreek Rd
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 785-8900
Putnam High School
4950 Se Roethe Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97267
(503) 353-5860
West Linn High School
5464 W A St
West Linn, OR 97068
(503) 673-7800
Other Schools
Clackamas Web Academy
1901 Se Oak Grove Blvd
Milwaukie, OR 97267
(503) 353-5925
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