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Sauvie Island Elementary School Profile

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School Profile: Sauvie Island Elementary School

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Sauvie Island Elementary School is located at 14445 Nw Charlton Rd, Portland, OR 97231-1402. The contact phone number is (503) 621-3426. It has a student/teacher ratio of 22.50.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Scappoose Sd 1 J
  • Grade Range: KG - 6
  • Students: 90
  • Teachers (FTE): 4
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 22.50
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Sauvie Island Elementary School

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Primary Schools
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5206 Franklin St
Vancouver, WA 98663
(360) 313-1850
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Portland, OR 97229
(503) 259-6685
Chinook Elementary School
1900 Nw Bliss Rd
Vancouver, WA 98685
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Vancouver, WA 98685
(360) 696-7247
Findley Elementary
4155 Nw Saltzman Rd
Portland, OR 97229
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Hough Elementary School
1900 Daniels St
Vancouver, WA 98660
(360) 313-2100
Jacob Wismer Elementary School
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Portland, OR 97229
(503) 533-1950
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21200 Nw Rock Creek Blvd
Portland, OR 97229
(503) 844-1360
Lincoln Elementary School
4200 Nw Daniels St
Vancouver, WA 98660
(360) 313-2300
Rock Creek Elementary School
4125 Nw 185th Ave
Portland, OR 97229
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700 Ne 1123th St
Vancouver, WA 98685
(360) 313-2750
Salmon Creek Elementary
1601 Ne 129th St
Vancouver, WA 98685
(360) 313-2800
Terra Linda Elementary School
1998 Nw 143rd Ave
Portland, OR 97229
(503) 672-3575
Washington Elementary
2908 S St
Vancouver, WA 98663
(360) 313-3055
Middle Schools
Alki Middle School
1800 Nw Bliss Rd
Vancouver, WA 98685
(360) 313-3200
Discovery Middle School
800 E 40th St
Vancouver, WA 98663
(360) 313-3300
Jefferson Middle School
3000 Nw 119th St
Vancouver, WA 98685
(360) 313-3700
Stoller Middle School
14141 Nw Laidlaw Rd
Portland, OR 97229
(503) 533-1910
High Schools
Arts, Communication & Technology School
6941 N Central St
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 916-5260
Clark Co Detention Center
500 W 11th Street
Vancouver, WA 98660
(360) 397-2201
Pursuit Of Wellness Education & Recreation School
6941 N Central St
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 916-5260
Skyview High School
1300 Nw 139th St
Vancouver, WA 98685
(360) 313-4200
Spanish English International School
6941 N Central St
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 916-5260
Sunset High School
13840 Nw Cornell Rd
Portland, OR 97229
(503) 259-5050
Westview High School
4200 Nw 185th Ave
Portland, OR 97229
(503) 259-5218
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5601 N Yale St
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 916-6244
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Portland, OR 97203
(503) 916-6250
Clarendon Elementary School
9325 N Van Houten Ave
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 916-6260
Forest Park Elementary School
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Portland, OR 97229
(503) 916-5400
George Middle School
10000 N Burr
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 916-6262
James John Elementary School
7439 N Charleston Ave
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 916-6266
Portsmouth Middle School
5103 N Willis Blvd
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 916-5666
Sitton Elementary School
9930 N Smith St
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 916-6277
Skyline Elementary School
11536 Nw Skyline Blvd
Portland, OR 97231
(503) 916-5212
Vancouver School Of Arts And Academics
3101 Main Street
Vancouver, WA 98663
(360) 313-4600
Other Schools
Two Rivers Community School
6941 N Central St
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 916-5260
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