School Profile: Abington Heights Ms
Welcome to the school profile for Abington Heights Ms! Looking for local school information?
Abington Heights Ms is located at Rd 4, Clarks Summit, PA 18411-9804. The contact phone number is (570) 586-1281. It has a student/teacher ratio of 17.43.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Clarks Summit.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Abington Heights Sd
- Grade Range: 5 - 8
- Students: 1152
- Teachers (FTE): 66.1
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 17.43
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Abington Heights Ms
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Clarks Summit
- Primary Schools
- Clarks Summit El Sch
- 401 W Grove St
- Clarks Summit, PA 18411
- (570) 585-7300
- George Bancroft #34
- 1002 Albright Ave
- Scranton, PA 18508
- (570) 348-3667
- Mill City El Sch
- Rr 2
- Dalton, PA 18414
- (570) 378-2525
- Neil Armstrong #40
- North Lincoln Ave & Clearview
- Scranton, PA 18508
- (570) 348-3661
- Newton Ransom Sch
- Rd 3
- Clarks Summit, PA 18411
- (570) 585-8300
- South Abington Sch
- Northern Boulevard Box 163
- Chinchilla, PA 18410
- (570) 585-2100
- Waverly Sch
- Po Box J
- Waverly, PA 18471
- (570) 585-6300
- High Schools
- Abington Heights Hs
- Noble Road
- Clarks Summit, PA 18411
- (570) 585-5300
- Ctc Of Lackawanna County
- 3201 Rockwell Ave
- Scranton, PA 18508
- (570) 346-8471
- Scranton Hs
- 63 Munchak Way
- Scranton, PA 18508
- (570) 348-3481