School Profile: Springdale Jshs
Welcome to the school profile for Springdale Jshs! Looking for local school information?
Springdale Jshs is located at 501 Butler Rd, Springdale, PA 15144-1298. The contact phone number is (724) 274-8100. It has a student/teacher ratio of 13.73.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Springdale.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Allegheny Valley Sd
- Grade Range: 7 - 12
- Students: 618
- Teachers (FTE): 45
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 13.73
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Springdale Jshs
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Springdale
- Primary Schools
- Acmetonia Primary Sch
- 300 Pearl Street
- Cheswick, PA 15024
- (724) 274-6500
- Bon Air El Sch
- 3260 Leechburg Rd
- Lower Burrell, PA 15068
- (724) 334-1463
- Fort Crawford Sch
- 255 Third St
- New Kensington, PA 15068
- (724) 337-8851
- Greenwald Memorial Sch
- 110 Elmtree Rd
- New Kensington, PA 15068
- (724) 335-6271
- Martin Sch
- 1800 7th St
- New Kensington, PA 15068
- (724) 335-3167
- Stewart El Sch
- 2880 Leechburg Rd
- Lower Burrell, PA 15068
- (724) 334-1483
- Tenth Street El Sch
- 901 Pennsylvania Ave
- Oakmont, PA 15139
- (412) 828-1800
- Middle Schools
- Berkey Sch
- 1739 Victoria Ave
- Arnold, PA 15068
- (724) 335-1713
- Charles A Huston Ms
- 1020 Puckety Church Rd
- Lower Burrell, PA 15068
- (724) 334-1443
- Colfax Upper El Sch
- 430 Colfax St
- Springdale, PA 15144
- (724) 274-7200
- Valley Ms
- 1701 Alcoa Dr
- Arnold, PA 15068
- (724) 335-2511
- High Schools
- Burrell Hs
- 1021 Puckety Church Rd
- Lower Burrell, PA 15068
- (724) 334-1403
- Northern Westmoreland Avts
- 705 Stevenson Blvd
- New Kensington, PA 15068
- (724) 335-9389
- Riverview Hs
- 100 Hulton Rd
- Oakmont, PA 15139
- (412) 828-1800
- Valley Shs
- 703 Stevenson Blvd
- New Kensington, PA 15068
- (724) 337-4536