School Profile: Croton Pre Kdg Ctr
Welcome to the school profile for Croton Pre Kdg Ctr! Looking for local school information?
Croton Pre Kdg Ctr is located at 420 Fern St, New Castle, PA 16101-2684. The contact phone number is (724) 656-4815. It has a student/teacher ratio of 16.29.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in New Castle.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: New Castle Area Sd
- Grade Range: KG - KG
- Students: 114
- Teachers (FTE): 7
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 16.29
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Croton Pre Kdg Ctr
Nearby Schools
View all schools in New Castle
- Primary Schools
- Harry W Lockley Kdg Ctr
- 900 E Main St
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 656-4735
- John F Kennedy Sch
- 326 Laurel Blvd
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 656-4738
- Laurel El Sch
- 223 Mccaslin Rd
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 658-2673
- Shenango El Sch
- 2501 Old Pittsburgh Rd
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 658-5566
- Thaddeus Stevens Sch
- 831 Harrison St
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 656-4750
- Union Memorial El Sch
- 500 S Scotland Ln
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 652-6683
- West Side Sch
- 708 W Washington St
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 656-4753
- Middle Schools
- Union Area Ms
- 2106 Camden Ave
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 658-4501
- High Schools
- Laurel Jshs
- 2497 Harlansburg Rd
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 658-9056
- Lawrence County Ctc
- 750 Phelps Way
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 658-3583
- New Castle Jshs
- 300 E Lincoln Ave
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 656-4700
- Shenango Hs
- 2550 Ellwood Rd
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 658-5537
- Union Area Hs
- 2106 Camden Ave
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 658-4501
- Other Schools
- New Castle Youth Dev Ctr
- 1745 Frew Mill Road
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 656-7330
- Other Schools
- Ben Franklin Jhs
- 815 Cunningham Ave
- New Castle, PA 16101
- (724) 656-4720