School Profile: West View El Sch
Welcome to the school profile for West View El Sch! Looking for local school information?
West View El Sch is located at 47 Chalfonte Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15229-1824. The contact phone number is (412) 318-1502. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.28.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: North Hills Sd
- Grade Range: KG - 6
- Students: 512
- Teachers (FTE): 33.5
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.28
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of West View El Sch
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Pittsburgh
- Primary Schools
- Avalon El Sch
- 721 California Ave
- Pittsburgh, PA 15202
- (412) 734-8003
- Avonworth El Sch
- 1320 Roosevelt Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 366-7170
- Bellevue El Sch
- 435 Lincoln Ave
- Pittsburgh, PA 15202
- (412) 734-8004
- Chatham El Sch
- 227 Bonvue St
- Pittsburgh, PA 15214
- (412) 323-3140
- Clayton El Sch
- 1901 Clayton Avenue
- Pittsburgh, PA 15214
- (412) 323-3450
- Highcliff El Sch
- 156 Peony Ave
- Pittsburgh, PA 15229
- (412) 318-1582
- Ingomar El Sch
- 602 W Ingomar Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 366-9665
- Jeffery El Sch
- 201 Wetzel Rd
- Glenshaw, PA 15116
- (412) 492-1200
- Marzolf El Sch
- 101 Marzolf Road Ext
- Pittsburgh, PA 15209
- (412) 492-1200
- Mcintyre El Sch
- 200 Mcintyre Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 318-1622
- Mcknight El Sch
- 500 Cumberland Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 369-5509
- Northview Heights El Sch
- 310 Mount Pleasant Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15214
- (412) 323-3130
- Northway El Sch
- 495 Browns Lane
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 318-1642
- Peebles El Sch
- 8625 Peebles Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 366-9667
- Perrysville El Sch
- 950 Perry Highway
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 318-1602
- Rogers El Sch
- 705 Scott Ave
- Glenshaw, PA 15116
- (412) 492-1200
- Ross El Sch
- 90 Houston Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 318-1542
- Seville El Sch
- 100 Enger Ave
- Pittsburgh, PA 15214
- (412) 318-1662
- Middle Schools
- Avonworth Ms
- 256 Josephs Lane
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 366-9650
- Carson Ms
- 200 Hillvue Lane
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 369-5520
- Ingomar Ms
- 1521 Ingomar Heights Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 369-5470
- North Hills Jhs
- 55 Rochester Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15229
- (412) 318-1452
- Shaler Area Ms
- 700 Scott Ave
- Glenshaw, PA 15116
- (412) 492-1200
- High Schools
- Avonworth Hs
- 304 Josephs Lane
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 366-6360
- North Hills Shs
- 53 Rochester Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15229
- (412) 318-1402
- Northgate Mshs
- 589 Union Ave
- Pittsburgh, PA 15202
- (412) 734-8002
- Perry Traditional Academy
- 3875 Perrysville Ave
- Pittsburgh, PA 15214
- (412) 323-3400
- Shaler Area Hs
- 381 Wible Run Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15209
- (412) 492-1200
- Other Schools
- Mcnaugher Sp Ed Ctr
- 2610 Maple Ave
- Pittsburgh, PA 15214
- (412) 323-3115
- North Allegheny Ihs
- 350 Cumberland Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- (412) 369-5530
- Shaler Area Imtrmd Sch
- 1810 Mount Royal Blvd
- Glenshaw, PA 15116
- (412) 492-1200