School Profile: Ludlow James R Sch
Welcome to the school profile for Ludlow James R Sch! Looking for local school information?
Ludlow James R Sch is located at 550 W Master St, Philadelphia, PA 19122-4341. The contact phone number is (215) 684-5060. It has a student/teacher ratio of 12.48.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Philadelphia City Sd
- Grade Range: PK - 8
- Students: 352
- Teachers (FTE): 28.2
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 12.48
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Ludlow James R Sch
Nearby Schools
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- Philadelphia, PA 19122
- (215) 684-5900
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- Philadelphia, PA 19122
- (215) 627-8671
- Other Schools
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- Philadelphia, PA 19122
- (215) 684-5091
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- Philadelphia, PA 19122
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