School Profile: Allegheny Trad Mid Acad
Welcome to the school profile for Allegheny Trad Mid Acad! Looking for local school information?
Allegheny Trad Mid Acad is located at 810 Arch Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212-5202. The contact phone number is (412) 323-4115. It has a student/teacher ratio of 11.81.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Pittsburgh Sd
- Grade Range: 6 - 8
- Students: 307
- Teachers (FTE): 26
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 11.81
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Allegheny Trad Mid Acad
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Pittsburgh
- Primary Schools
- Allegheny Trad El Acad
- 810 Arch Street
- Pittsburgh, PA 15212
- (412) 323-4100
- King M L El Sch
- 50 Montgomery Pl
- Pittsburgh, PA 15212
- (412) 323-4160
- Mann El Sch
- 2819 Shadeland Ave
- Pittsburgh, PA 15212
- (412) 734-6610
- Morrow El Sch
- 1611 Davis Ave
- Pittsburgh, PA 15212
- (412) 734-6600
- Reserve El Sch
- 2107 Lonsdale St
- Pittsburgh, PA 15212
- (412) 492-1200
- Spring Hill El Sch
- 1351 Damas St
- Pittsburgh, PA 15212
- (412) 323-3000
- Middle Schools
- Columbus Ms
- 1805 Buena Vista Street
- Pittsburgh, PA 15212
- (412) 323-4170
- Rooney Arthur J Ms
- 3530 Fleming Ave
- Pittsburgh, PA 15212
- (412) 732-6700
- Schiller Classical Academy
- 1018 Peralta St
- Pittsburgh, PA 15212
- (412) 323-4190
- High Schools
- Oliver Hs
- 2323 Brighton Rd
- Pittsburgh, PA 15212
- (412) 323-3250