School Profile: South Scranton Intrmd Sch
Welcome to the school profile for South Scranton Intrmd Sch! Looking for local school information?
South Scranton Intrmd Sch is located at 355 Maple St, Scranton, PA 18505-1215. The contact phone number is (570) 348-3631. It has a student/teacher ratio of 12.01.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Scranton.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Scranton Sd
- Grade Range: 6 - 8
- Students: 502
- Teachers (FTE): 41.8
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 12.01
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of South Scranton Intrmd Sch
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Scranton
- Primary Schools
- John F. Kennedy #7
- Prospect Avenue & Saginaw St
- Scranton, PA 18505
- (570) 348-3673
- John G Whittier #2
- 700 Orchard St
- Scranton, PA 18505
- (570) 348-3690
- John J. Audubon #42
- 1801 Mulberry St
- Scranton, PA 18510
- (570) 348-3665
- Lincoln Jackson #14
- Academy Street & Hyde Park Ave
- Scranton, PA 18505
- (570) 348-3675
- Mcnichols Plaza
- 1111 S Irving Ave
- Scranton, PA 18505
- (570) 348-3685
- William Prescott #38
- Prescott Avenue & Myrtle St
- Scranton, PA 18510
- (570) 348-3683
- Middle Schools
- Northeast Intrmd Sch
- Adams Ave & Gibson St
- Scranton, PA 18510
- (570) 348-3651