School Profile: Northern Lincoln Elementary School
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Northern Lincoln Elementary School is located at 315 New River Road, Manville, RI 02838. The contact phone number is (401) 769-0261. It has a student/teacher ratio of 9.80.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Manville.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Lincoln
- Grade Range: 2 - 6
- Students: 343
- Teachers (FTE): 35
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 9.80
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Northern Lincoln Elementary School
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Manville
- Primary Schools
- Ashton School
- 130 Scott Road
- Cumberland, RI 02864
- (401) 333-0554
- B.F. Norton Elementary School
- 364 Broad Street
- Cumberland, RI 02864
- (401) 722-7610
- Bernon Heights School
- 657 Logee Street
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4864
- Citizens Memorial School
- 250 Winthrop Street
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4850
- Community School
- 15 Arnold Mills Road
- Cumberland, RI 02864
- (401) 333-5724
- Cumberland Preschool Center
- 7 Fatima Drive, Rear
- Cumberland, RI 02864
- (401) 722-4434
- Fairlawn Elementary
- 3 Fairlawn Way
- Lincoln, RI 02865
- (401) 726-2930
- Fifth Avenue School
- 65 Fifth Avenue
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4826
- Garvin Memorial School
- Diamond Hill Road
- Cumberland, RI 02864
- (401) 333-2557
- Globe Park School
- 192 Avenue A
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4830
- Governor Aram J. Pothier School
- 420 Robinson Street
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4767
- Harris School
- 60 High School Street
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4856
- John J. Mclaughlin Cumberland Hill School
- 205 Manville Hill Road
- Cumberland, RI 02864
- (401) 658-1660
- John J. Mclaughlin Cumberland Hill School Annex
- 3357 Mendon Road
- Cumberland, RI 02864
- (401) 658-3210
- Kevin K. Coleman Elementary School
- 96 Second Avenue
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4859
- Leo A. Savoie School
- 990 Mendon Road
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4820
- Lincoln Central Elementary School
- 1081 Great Road
- Lincoln, RI 02865
- (401) 334-2800
- Lonsdale Elementary School
- 270 River Road
- Lincoln, RI 02865
- (401) 725-4200
- North Smithfield Elementary School
- 2214 Providence Pike
- North Smithfield, RI 02896
- (401) 765-2260
- Northern Early Learning Center
- 315 New River Road
- Manville, RI 02838
- (401) 765-8698
- Saylesville Elementary School
- 50 Woodland Street
- Lincoln, RI 02865
- (401) 723-5240
- Second Avenue School
- 196 Second Avenue
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4841
- Social Street School
- 706 Social Street
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4878
- Middle Schools
- Joseph L. Mccourt Middle School
- 35 Highland Avenue
- Cumberland, RI 02864
- (401) 725-2092
- Lincoln Middle School
- 135 Old River Road
- Lincoln, RI 02865
- (401) 334-6460
- North Cumberland Middle School
- 400 Nate Whipple Highway
- Cumberland, RI 02864
- (401) 333-6306
- Woonsocket Middle School
- 357 Park Place
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4753
- High Schools
- Beacon Charter School
- 35 George Street
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 671-6261
- Cumberland High School
- 2600 Mendon Road
- Cumberland, RI 02864
- (401) 658-2600
- Lincoln Senior High School
- 135 Old River Road
- Lincoln, RI 02865
- (401) 333-1850
- North Smithfield Jr Sr High School
- 412 Greenville Road
- North Smithfield, RI 02896
- (401) 766-2500
- Wm. M. Davies Jr. Career Technical High School
- 50 Jenckes Hill Road
- Lincoln, RI 02865
- (401) 728-1500
- Woonsocket High School
- 777 Cass Avenue
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4600
- Other Schools
- Woonsocket Area Career & Technical Center
- 400 Aylsworth Avenue
- Woonsocket, RI 02895
- (401) 767-4662