School Profile: Springfield Middle School I
Welcome to the school profile for Springfield Middle School I! Looking for local school information?
Springfield Middle School I is located at 152 Springfield Street, Providence, RI 02909. The contact phone number is (401) 278-0557. It has a student/teacher ratio of 18.80.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Providence.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Providence
- Grade Range: 6 - 8
- Students: 470
- Teachers (FTE): 25
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 18.80
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Springfield Middle School I
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Providence
- Primary Schools
- Anthony Carnevale Elementary School
- 50 Springfield Street
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 278-0554
- Asa Messer Annex
- 245 Althea Street
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 456-9441
- Asa Messer Elementary School
- 158 Messer Street
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 456-9401
- Laurel Hill Avenue Annex
- 240 Laban Street
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 456-1783
- Laurel Hill Avenue School
- 85 Laurel Hill Avenue
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 456-9389
- Pleasant View School
- 50 Obadiah Brown Road
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 456-9325
- Webster Avenue School
- 191 Webster Avenue
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 456-9414
- West Broadway Elementary School
- 29 Bainbridge Avenue
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 456-9102
- William D'abate Elementary School
- 60 Kossuth Street
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 456-9416
- Middle Schools
- Oliver Hazard Perry Middle School
- 370 Hartford Avenue
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 456-9352
- Samuel W. Bridgham Middle School
- 1655 Westminster Street
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 456-9360
- Other Schools
- Delsesto High School
- 152 Springfield Street
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 278-0557
- Other Schools
- Governor Delsesto Middle School
- 152 Springfield Street
- Providence, RI 02909
- (401) 278-0527