School Profile: Sullivans Island El
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Sullivans Island El is located at 2015 Ion Avenue, Sullivans Is, SC 29482-8723. The contact phone number is (843) 883-3118. It has a student/teacher ratio of 14.78.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Sullivans Is.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Charleston County
- Grade Range: PK - 5
- Students: 340
- Teachers (FTE): 23
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 14.78
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Sullivans Island El
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Sullivans Is
- Primary Schools
- Belle Hall Elementary
- 385 Egypt Street
- Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
- (843) 849-2841
- Buist Academy
- 103 Calhoun Street
- Charleston, SC 29401
- (843) 724-7750
- East Cooper Montessori Charter School
- 88 Vincent Drive
- Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
- (843) 884-1117
- James B Edwards Elementary
- 855 Von Kolintz Road
- Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
- (843) 849-2807
- Jennie Moore Elementary School
- 1256 Hamlin Road
- Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
- (843) 849-2815
- Mt Pleasant Academy
- 605 Center Street
- Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
- (843) 849-2826
- Whiteside Mamie Elementary
- 1120 Rifle Range Rd
- Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
- (843) 849-2838
- Middle Schools
- Laing Middle School
- 2213 Hwy 17 North
- Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
- (843) 849-2809
- Moultrie Middle School
- 645 Coleman Blvd
- Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
- (843) 849-2819
- High Schools
- Wando High School
- 1560 Mathis Ferry Rd
- Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
- (843) 849-2830
- Other Schools
- Charleston School Of Arts
- 1600 Saranac Street
- No. Charleston, SC 29401
- (843) 529-4990