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R E Davis Elementary Profile

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School Profile: R E Davis Elementary

Welcome to the school profile for R E Davis Elementary! Looking for local school information?

R E Davis Elementary is located at 345 Eastern School Rd, Sumter, SC 29153-9224. The contact phone number is (803) 495-3243. It has a student/teacher ratio of 12.53.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Sumter County School District 02
  • Grade Range: PK - 5
  • Students: 401
  • Teachers (FTE): 32
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 12.53
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of R E Davis Elementary

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Primary Schools
Alice Drive Elementary School
251 Alice Drive
Sumter, SC 29150
(803) 775-0857
Cherryvale Elementary School
1420 Furman Dr
Sumter, SC 29154
(803) 494-8200
Crosswell Drive Elementary
Crosswell Drive
Sumter, SC 29150
(803) 775-0679
Kingsbury Elementary
Kingsbury Road
Sumter, SC 29154
(803) 775-6244
Lemira Elementary School
Fulton St
Sumter, SC 29150
(803) 775-0658
Lower Lee Elementary
5142 St Charles Road
Mayesville, SC 29104
(803) 428-3637
Millwood Elementary
Pinewood Rd
Sumter, SC 29150
(803) 775-0648
Oakland Primary School
5415 Oakland Drive
Sumter, SC 29154
(803) 499-3366
Pocalla Springs Elementary School
2060 Bethel Church Road
Sumter, SC 29154
(803) 481-5800
Shaw Heights Elementary
5121 Frierson Rd.
Shaw Afb, SC 29152
(803) 666-2335
Wilder Elementary School
Floral Drive
Sumter, SC 29150
(803) 773-5723
Willow Drive Elementary
26 Willow Drive
Sumter, SC 29150
(803) 773-5796
Middle Schools
Alice Drive Middle School
40 Miller Road
Sumter, SC 29150
(803) 775-0821
Bates Middle School
Estate Drive
Sumter, SC 29150
(803) 775-0711
Chestnut Oak Middle
1200 Oswego Road
Sumter, SC 29153
(803) 436-0059
Ebenezer Middle School
3440 Ebenezer Road
Sumter, SC 29153
(803) 469-8572
Furman Middle School
3400 Bethel Church Rd
Sumter, SC 29154
(803) 481-8510
High Hills Elementary School
4971 Frierson Rd Shaw Afb
Sumter, SC 29152
(803) 499-3327
Mayewood Middle School
4300 Brewington Rd.
Sumter, SC 29153
(864) 459-8014
High Schools
Crestwood High School
2000 Oswego Road
Sumter, SC 29153
(803) 469-6200
Lakewood High School
350 Old Manning Road
Sumter, SC 29150
(803) 506-2704
Sumter County Career Center
2612 Mccrays Mill Road
Sumter, SC 29150
(803) 481-8575
Sumter High School
2580 Mccray's Mill Road
Sumter, SC 29154
(803) 481-4480
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