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Grant Community Outreach Academy Profile

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School Profile: Grant Community Outreach Academy

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Grant Community Outreach Academy is located at 5800 Skvarla Ln., Mcclellan, CA 95652. The contact phone number is (916) 286-5170. It has a student/teacher ratio of 21.54.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Grant Joint Union High
  • Grade Range: KG - 8
  • Students: 715
  • Teachers (FTE): 33.2
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 21.54
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Grant Community Outreach Academy

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Primary Schools
Aero Haven Elementary
5450 Georgia Dr.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 566-1800
Bell Avenue Elementary
1900 Bell Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 922-0202
Creative Connections Arts Academy
7201 Arutas Dr.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 566-1870
Del Paso Heights Elementary
590 Morey Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 641-3900
Del Paso Manor Elementary
2700 Maryal Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 575-2330
Dyer Kelly Elementary
2236 Edison Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 566-2150
Fairbanks Elementary
227 Fairbanks Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 929-4955
Foothill Oaks Elementary
5520 Lancelot Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95842
(916) 566-1830
Frederick Joyce Elementary
6050 Watt Ave.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 566-1880
Frontier Elementary
6691 Silverthorne Cir.
Sacramento, CA 95842
(916) 566-1840
Glenwood Elementary
201 Jessie Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 922-2767
Hillsdale Elementary
6469 Guthrie Way
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 566-1860
James R. Cowan Fundamental Elementary
3350 Becerra Way
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 575-2312
Kohler Elementary
4004 Bruce Way
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 566-1850
Larchmont Elementary
6560 Melrose Dr.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 566-1890
Madison Elementary
5241 Harrison St.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 566-1900
Main Avenue Elementary
1400 Main Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 929-9559
Michael J. Castori Elementary
1801 South Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 263-8355
Morey Avenue Early Childhood Development
155 Morey Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 641-5360
North Avenue Elementary
1281 North Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 925-1330
Oakdale Elementary
3708 Myrtle Ave.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 566-1910
Oliver Wendell Holmes Elementary
7201 Arutas Dr.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 566-1870
Pasadena Avenue Elementary
4330 Pasadena Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 575-2373
Pioneer Elementary
5816 Pioneer Way
Sacramento, CA 95841
(916) 566-1940
Ridgepoint Elementary
4680 Monument Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95842
(916) 566-1950
Robla Elementary
5200 Marysville Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 991-1006
Sierra View Elementary
3638 Bainbridge Dr.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 566-1960
Taylor Street Elementary
4350 Taylor St.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 927-5340
Village Elementary
6845 Larchmont Dr.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 566-1970
Warren A. Allison Elementary
4315 Don Julio Blvd.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 566-1810
Whitney Avenue Elementary
4248 Whitney Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 575-2407
Woodridge Elementary
5761 Brett Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95842
(916) 331-7217
Middle Schools
Arcade Fundamental Middle
3500 Edison Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 971-7300
Don Julio Junior High
6444 Walerga Rd.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 286-1800
Foothill Farms Junior High
5001 Diablo Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95842
(916) 286-1400
Miles P. Richmond
4330 Keema Ave.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 286-5095
Norwood Junior High
4601 Norwood Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 649-6600
Nova Community Day
2035 North Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 286-1184
High Schools
El Camino Fundamental High
4300 El Camino Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 971-7430
Elwood J. Keema High
5201 Arnold Ave.
Mcclellan, CA 95652
(916) 570-0206
Foothill High
5000 Mccloud Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95842
(916) 286-1300
Futures High
3701 Stephens Dr.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 286-1902
Grant Union High
1400 Grand Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 286-1000
Highlands High
6601 Guthrie Way
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 286-1701
La Entrada Continuation High
5320 Hemlock St.
Sacramento, CA 95841
(916) 971-7590
Mira Loma High
4000 Edison Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 971-7485
North Area Community
4000 Pinell St.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 566-1302
Pacific High
3800 Bolivar Ave.
North Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 286-1970
Vista Nueva Career And Technology High
2035 North Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95838
(916) 286-1100
Other Schools
Community Collaborative Charter
5201 Arnold Ave.
Mcclellan, CA 95652
(916) 286-5161
Laurel Ruff Center
5325 Garfield
Sacramento, CA 95841
(916) 971-7586
Palos Verde Continuation
5320 Hemlock Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95841
(916) 971-5291
Valley Oaks
3555 Auburn Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 482-7754
Other Schools
Creekside Elementary
2641 Kent Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 575-2317
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