School Profile: Camelot El
Welcome to the school profile for Camelot El! Looking for local school information?
Camelot El is located at 7410 Ray Bon Dr, San Antonio, TX 78218-2840. The contact phone number is (210) 564-1775. It has a student/teacher ratio of 14.56.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in San Antonio.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: North East Isd
- Grade Range: PK - 5
- Students: 562
- Teachers (FTE): 38.6
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 14.56
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Camelot El
Nearby Schools
View all schools in San Antonio
- Primary Schools
- East Terrell Hills El
- 4415 Bloomdale Dr
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 564-1600
- Mary Lou Hartman
- 7203 Woodlake Pkwy
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 590-3080
- Park Village El
- 5855 E Midcrown Dr
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 653-1822
- Walzem El
- 4618 Walzem Rd
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 564-1625
- Wilshire El
- 6523 Cascade
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 805-5175
- Middle Schools
- Guardian Angel Performance Academy
- 601 Howard St
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 737-9377
- High Schools
- Roosevelt H S
- 5110 Walzem Rd
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 650-1200
- The Education And Training Center
- 3030 E Commerce St
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 804-1786
- Other Schools
- Dietrich Road Community Center
- 4619 Dietrich Rd
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 804-1786
- George Gervin Charter
- 6944 Sunbelt Dr
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 804-1786
- Higgs Carter King Gifted & Talente
- 511 Fredericksburg Road
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 735-2341
- Krueger Middle
- 438 Lanark Dr
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 650-1350
- Shekinah Walzem
- 6663 Walzem Road
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 967-6933
- White Middle
- 7800 Midcrown Dr
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 650-1400
- Yucca Gardens
- 511 Yucca
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 804-1786
- Other Schools
- The Basic Center
- 410 St Anthony
- San Antonio, TX 78218
- (210) 532-3948