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Riverview Middle Profile

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School Profile: Riverview Middle

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Riverview Middle is located at 15350 Riverview Rd., Helendale, CA 92342-0249. The contact phone number is (760) 952-1266. It has a student/teacher ratio of 24.78.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Helendale.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Helendale Elementary
  • Grade Range: 6 - 8
  • Students: 223
  • Teachers (FTE): 9
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 24.78
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Riverview Middle

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Primary Schools
Adelanto Elementary
17931 Jonathan St.
Adelanto, CA 92301
(760) 246-5892
Desert Knolls Elementary
18213 Symeron Dr.
Apple Valley, CA 92307
(760) 242-3441
Desert Trails Elementary
14350 Bellflower
Adelanto, CA 92301
(760) 246-3800
Donald F. Bradach Elementary
15550 Bellflower Rd.
Adelanto, CA 92301
(760) 246-5016
Eagle Ranch
12545 Eagle Ranch Pkwy.
Adelanto, CA 92301
(760) 949-2100
George Visual And Performing Arts Magnet And Middl
17738 Nevada Ave.
Victorville, CA 92394
(760) 246-8231
Helendale Elementary
27274 Peach Tree Ln.
Helendale, CA 92342
(760) 952-1204
Hinkley Elementary/Middle
37600 Hinkley Rd.
Hinkley, CA 92347
(760) 253-5512
Mojave Mesa Elementary
15552 Wichita Rd.
Apple Valley, CA 92307
(760) 242-5883
Oro Grande Elementary
19175 Third St.
Oro Grande, CA 92368
(760) 245-9260
Rancho Verde Elementary
14334 Pioneer Rd.
Apple Valley, CA 92307
(760) 247-2663
Sycamore Rocks Elementary
23450 South Rd.
Apple Valley, CA 92307
(760) 240-3332
Theodore Vick Elementary
10575 Seneca
Adelanto, CA 92301
(760) 530-1750
Victoria Magathan Elementary
11411 Holly Rd.
Adelanto, CA 92301
(760) 246-8872
Westside Park Elementary
18270 Casaba Rd.
Adelanto, CA 92301
(760) 246-4118
Yucca Loma Elementary
21351 Yucca Loma Rd.
Apple Valley, CA 92307
(760) 247-2623
Middle Schools
Columbia Middle
14409 Aster St.
Adelanto, CA 92301
(760) 530-1950
High Schools
Granite Hills High
22900 Esaws Rd.
Apple Valley, CA 92307
(760) 961-2290
High Desert Academy Of Applied Arts And Sciences
15421 Village Dr.
Victorville, CA 92394
(760) 245-5513
Other Schools
Academy For Academic Excellence
17500 Mana Rd.
Apple Valley, CA 92307
(760) 946-5414
Desert Mountain Community Day
17800 Hwy. 18
Apple Valley, CA 92307
(760) 242-6322
Vista Campana Middle
20700 Thunderbird Rd.
Apple Valley, CA 92307
(760) 242-7011
Other Schools
Mojave River Academy
19175 Third St.
Oro Grande, CA 92368
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