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Merquin Elementary Profile

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School Profile: Merquin Elementary

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Merquin Elementary is located at 20316 West Third Ave., Stevinson, CA 95374-0248. The contact phone number is (209) 634-4938. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.57.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Hilmar Unified
  • Grade Range: KG - 5
  • Students: 179
  • Teachers (FTE): 11.5
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.57
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Merquin Elementary

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Newman, CA 95360
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Livingston, CA 95334
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Middle Schools
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16881 West Schendel Ave.
Delhi, CA 95315
(209) 669-3178
Hilmar Middle
7528 North Scholar Way
Hilmar, CA 95324
(209) 632-8847
Livingston Middle
101 F St.
Livingston, CA 95334
(209) 394-5450
Mountain View Middle
10001 Crows Landing Rd.
Turlock, CA 95313
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907 R St.
Newman, CA 95360
(209) 862-3286
Yolo Junior High
901 Hoyer Rd.
Newman, CA 95360
(209) 862-2984
High Schools
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20384 Geer Ave.
Hilmar, CA 95324
(209) 667-0277
Delhi High
16881 West Schendel Ave.
Delhi, CA 95315
(209) 669-3178
Foothill Community Day
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Newman, CA 95360
(209) 862-2309
Hilmar High
7807 North Lander Ave.
Hilmar, CA 95324
(209) 667-5903
Irwin High (Continuation)
20384 Geer Ave.
Hilmar, CA 95324
(209) 667-0276
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Livingston, CA 95334
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Newman, CA 95360
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Newman, CA 95360
(209) 862-2412
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