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Norfolk Highlands Primary Profile

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School Profile: Norfolk Highlands Primary

Welcome to the school profile for Norfolk Highlands Primary! Looking for local school information?

Norfolk Highlands Primary is located at 1115 Myrtle Ave, Chesapeake, VA 23325-2918. The contact phone number is (757) 578-7092. It has a student/teacher ratio of 10.21.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Chesapeake City Public Schools
  • Grade Range: PK - 3
  • Students: 245
  • Teachers (FTE): 24
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 10.21
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Norfolk Highlands Primary

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Primary Schools
Campostella Elem.
1106 Campostella Rd
Norfolk, VA 23523
(757) 494-3850
Centerville Elem.
2201 Centerville Tnpk
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 474-8460
College Park Elem.
1110 Bennington Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 366-4565
Easton Preschool
6045 Curlew Dr
Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 892-3290
Ecc Berkley/Campostella
1530 Cypress St
Norfolk, VA 23523
(757) 494-3870
Fairfield Elem.
5428 Providence Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 366-4570
Fairlawn Elem.
1132 Wade St
Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 892-3260
George W. Carver Int.
2601 Broad St
Chesapeake, VA 23324
(757) 494-7505
Georgetown Primary
436 Providence Rd
Chesapeake, VA 23325
(757) 578-7060
Glenwood Elem.
2213 Round Hill Dr
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 471-5858
Hermitage Elem.
525 Kempsville Rd.
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 473-2115
Indian Lakes Elem.
1240 Homestead Dr
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 474-8424
Ingleside Elem.
976 Ingleside Rd
Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 892-3270
Kempsville Elem.
570 Kempsville Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 474-8430
Poplar Halls Elem.
5523 Pebble Lane
Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 892-3280
Portlock Primary
1857 Varsity Dr
Chesapeake, VA 23324
(757) 494-7555
Providence Elem.
4968 Providence Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 474-8470
Rena B. Wright Primary
600 Park Ave
Chesapeake, VA 23324
(757) 494-7585
St. Helena Elem.
903 S Main St
Norfolk, VA 23523
(757) 494-3884
Tallwood Elem.
2025 Kempsville Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 474-8465
Thurgood Marshall Elementary
2706 Border Road
Chesapeake, VA 23324
(757) 494-7515
Truitt Intermediate
1100 Holly Ave
Chesapeake, VA 23324
(757) 494-8014
Woodstock Elem.
6016 Providence Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 366-4590
Middle Schools
Brandon Middle
1700 Pope St
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 366-4545
Indian River Middle
2300 Old Greenbrier Rd
Chesapeake, VA 23325
(757) 578-7030
Kempsville Middle
860 Churchill Dr
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 474-8444
Lake Taylor Middle
1380 Kempsville Rd
Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 892-3230
Oscar Smith Middle
2500 Rodgers St
Chesapeake, VA 23324
(757) 494-7590
Salem Middle
2380 Lynnhaven Pkwy
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 474-8411
Sparrow Road Intermediate
1605 Sparrow Rd
Chesapeake, VA 23325
(757) 578-7050
High Schools
Indian River High
1969 Braves Trl
Chesapeake, VA 23325
(757) 578-7000
Kempsville High
5194 Chief Trail
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 474-8400
Lake Taylor High
1384 Kempsville Rd
Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 892-3200
Tallwood High
1668 Kempsville Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 474-8555
Other Schools
Norfolk Juvenile Detention Center
1260 Security Ln.
Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 892-3310
Norfolk Tech Voc. Ctr
1330 N Military Hwy
Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 892-3300
Southeastern Coop Ed Pgm
6160 Kempsville Cr.
Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 892-6100
Tidewater Regional Alternative Ed Project
C/O Secep Circle East Bldg
Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 892-6100
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