School Profile: Lorton Station Elem.
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Lorton Station Elem. is located at 2499 Lewis Chapel Rd., Lorton, VA 22079. The contact phone number is (703) 642-6000. It has a student/teacher ratio of 13.87.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Lorton.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Fairfax County Public Schools
- Grade Range: PK - 6
- Students: 985
- Teachers (FTE): 71
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 13.87
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Lorton Station Elem.
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Lorton
- Primary Schools
- Fort Belvoir Elementary
- 5970 Meeres Rd
- Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
- (703) 781-2700
- Gunston Elem.
- 10100 Gunston Rd
- Lorton, VA 22079
- (703) 541-3600
- Hayfield Elem.
- 7633 Telegraph Rd
- Alexandria, VA 22315
- (703) 924-4500
- Island Creek Elem.
- 7855 Morning View Ln.
- Kingstowne, VA 22315
- (571) 642-6300
- Lane Elem.
- 7137 Beulah St
- Alexandria, VA 22315
- (703) 924-7700
- Lorton Ps Home Resource
- 8101 Lorton Rd.
- Lorton, VA 22079
- (703) 446-2100
- Mount Vernon Woods Elem.
- 4015 Fielding St
- Alexandria, VA 22309
- (703) 619-2800
- Newington Forest Elem.
- 8001 Newington Forest Ave
- Springfield, VA 22153
- (703) 923-2600
- Riverside Elem.
- 8410 Old Mount Vernon Rd
- Alexandria, VA 22309
- (703) 799-6000
- Sangster Elem.
- 7420 Reservation Dr
- Springfield, VA 22153
- (703) 644-8200
- Saratoga Elem.
- 8111 Northumberland Rd
- Springfield, VA 22153
- (703) 440-2600
- Washington Mill Elem.
- 9100 Cherry Tree Dr
- Alexandria, VA 22309
- (703) 619-2500
- Woodlawn Elem.
- 8505 Highland Ln
- Alexandria, VA 22309
- (703) 619-4800
- Woodley Hills Elem.
- 8718 Old Mt Vernon Rd
- Alexandria, VA 22309
- (703) 799-2000
- High Schools
- Mount Vernon High
- 8515 Old Mount Vernon Rd
- Alexandria, VA 22309
- (703) 619-3100
- Other Schools
- South County Secondary
- 8501 Silverbrook Road
- Lorton, VA 22079
- (703) 446-1500