School Profile: Ben. Franklin Middle West
Welcome to the school profile for Ben. Franklin Middle West! Looking for local school information?
Ben. Franklin Middle West is located at 225 Middle School Road, Rocky Mount, VA 24151-6323. The contact phone number is (540) 483-5105. It has a student/teacher ratio of 13.75.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Rocky Mount.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Franklin County Public Schools
- Grade Range: 7 - 8
- Students: 866
- Teachers (FTE): 63
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 13.75
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Ben. Franklin Middle West
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Rocky Mount
- Primary Schools
- Lee M. Waid Elem.
- 540 E Court St
- Rocky Mount, VA 24151
- (540) 483-5736
- Rocky Mount Elem.
- 555 School Board Rd
- Rocky Mount, VA 24151
- (540) 483-5040
- Sontag Elem.
- 3101 Sontag Rd
- Rocky Mount, VA 24151
- (540) 483-5667
- Middle Schools
- Ben. Franklin Middle East
- 375 Middle School Rd
- Rocky Mount, VA 24151
- (540) 483-5105
- High Schools
- Franklin County High
- 700 Tanyard Rd
- Rocky Mount, VA 24151
- (540) 483-0221
- Other Schools
- Gereau Ctr For Apl Tech&Career Expl
- 150 Technology Dr
- Rocky Mount, VA 24151
- (540) 483-5446