School Profile: Bethel Elem.
Welcome to the school profile for Bethel Elem.! Looking for local school information?
Bethel Elem. is located at 2991 Hickory Fork Rd, Gloucester, VA 23061. The contact phone number is (804) 693-2360. It has a student/teacher ratio of 12.88.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Gloucester.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Gloucester County Public Schools
- Grade Range: PK - 5
- Students: 515
- Teachers (FTE): 40
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 12.88
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Bethel Elem.
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Gloucester
- Primary Schools
- Botetourt Elem.
- 6361 Main Street
- Gloucester, VA 23061
- (804) 693-2151
- Petsworth Elem.
- 10658 Geo Washington Mem Hwy
- Gloucester, VA 23061
- (804) 693-6161
- Thomas C. Walker Elem.
- 6099 T C Walker Road
- Gloucester, VA 23061
- (804) 693-5445
- Middle Schools
- Page Middle
- 5628 Geo Washington Mem Hwy
- Gloucester, VA 23061
- (804) 693-2540
- Peasley Middle
- 2885 Hickory Fork Road
- Gloucester, VA 23061
- (804) 693-1499
- High Schools
- Gloucester High
- 6680 Short Lane
- Gloucester, VA 23061
- (804) 693-2526
- Other Schools
- Mid Peninsula Reg Spec Ed Ctr
- Gloucester Co. Public Schools
- Gloucester, VA 23061
- (804) 693-7880