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Fair Oaks Elem. Profile

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School Profile: Fair Oaks Elem.

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Fair Oaks Elem. is located at 201 Jennings Rd, Highland Springs, VA 23075-2325. The contact phone number is (804) 328-4085. It has a student/teacher ratio of 12.62.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Henrico County Public Schools
  • Grade Range: PK - 5
  • Students: 366
  • Teachers (FTE): 29
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 12.62
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Fair Oaks Elem.

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Primary Schools
Adams Elem.
600 S Laburnum Ave
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 226-8745
Arthur Ashe, Jr. Elem.
1001 Cedar Fork Road
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 343-6550
Baker Elem.
6651 Willson Rd
Richmond, VA 23231
(804) 226-8755
Battlefield Park Elem.
5501 Mechanicsville Turnpike
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
(804) 723-3600
Bellevue Model Elem.
2301 E Grace St
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 780-4417
Chimborazo Elem.
3000 E Marshall St
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 780-8392
Cold Harbor Elem.
6740 Cold Harbor Road
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
(804) 723-3620
Donahoe Elem.
1801 Graves Rd
Sandston, VA 23150
(804) 328-4035
Fairfield Court Elem.
2510 Phaup St
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 780-4639
George Mason Elem.
813 N 28th St
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 780-4401
Highland Springs Elem.
600 W Pleasant St
Highland Springs, VA 23075
(804) 328-4045
Mechanicsville Elem.
7425 Mechanicsville Elem Drive
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
(804) 723-3640
Mehfoud Elem.
8320 Buffin Rd
Richmond, VA 23231
(804) 795-7020
Montrose Elem.
2820 Williamsburg Rd
Richmond, VA 23231
(804) 226-8765
New Bridge School
5915 Nine Mile Rd
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 328-6125
Ratcliffe Elem.
2901 Thalen St
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 343-6535
Sandston Elem.
7 Naglee Ave
Sandston, VA 23150
(804) 328-4055
Seven Pines Elem.
301 Beulah Rd
Sandston, VA 23150
(804) 328-4065
Varina Elem.
2551 New Market Rd
Richmond, VA 23231
(804) 795-7010
Ward Elementary
3400 Darbytown Road
Richmond, VA 23231
(804) 795-7030
Whitcomb Court Elem.
2100 Sussex St
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 780-4318
Woodville Elem.
2000 N 28th St
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 780-4821
Middle Schools
Fairfield Middle
5121 Nine Mile Rd
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 328-4020
Martin Luther King Jr. Middle
1000 Mosby St
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 780-8011
Rolfe Middle
6901 Messer Rd
Richmond, VA 23231
(804) 226-8730
Stonewall Jackson Middle
8021 Lee Davis Road
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
(804) 723-2260
High Schools
Armstrong High School
2300 Cool Lane
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 780-4449
Franklin Military Academy
701 North 37th Street
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 780-4968
Highland Springs High
15 S Oak Ave
Highland Springs, VA 23075
(804) 328-4000
Lee Davis High
7052 Mechanicsville Pike
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
(804) 723-2200
Varina High
7053 Messer Rd
Richmond, VA 23231
(804) 226-8700
Other Schools
Adult Education Center
201 East Nine Mile Road
Highland Springs, VA 23075
(804) 328-4095
Highland Springs Tech Ctr
100 Tech Drive
Highland Springs, VA 23075
(804) 328-4075
Pre School Dev. Center
2124 N. 29th St.
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 644-2357
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