School Profile: Sugarland Elem.
Welcome to the school profile for Sugarland Elem.! Looking for local school information?
Sugarland Elem. is located at 65 Sugarland Run Dr, Sterling, VA 20164-1600. The contact phone number is (703) 444-7460. It has a student/teacher ratio of 10.67.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Sterling.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Loudoun County Public Schools
- Grade Range: PK - 5
- Students: 448
- Teachers (FTE): 42
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 10.67
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Sugarland Elem.
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Sterling
- Primary Schools
- Forest Grove Elem.
- 46245 Forest Ridge Dr.
- Sterling, VA 20164
- (703) 444-7590
- Guilford Elem.
- 600 W Poplar Rd
- Sterling, VA 20164
- (703) 444-7420
- Meadowland Elem.
- 729 S Sugarland Run Dr
- Sterling, VA 20164
- (703) 444-7430
- Rolling Ridge Elem.
- 500 E Frederick Dr
- Sterling, VA 20164
- (703) 444-7440
- Sterling Elem.
- 200 W Church Rd
- Sterling, VA 20164
- (703) 444-7450
- Sully Elem.
- 300 Circle Dr
- Sterling, VA 20164
- (703) 444-7470
- Middle Schools
- Seneca Ridge Middle
- 98 Seneca Ridge Dr
- Sterling, VA 20164
- (703) 444-7480
- Sterling Middle
- 201 W Holly Ave
- Sterling, VA 20164
- (703) 444-7490
- High Schools
- Park View High
- 400 W Laurel Ave
- Sterling, VA 20164
- (703) 444-7500
- Other Schools
- Dominion High
- 21326 Augusta Dr.
- Sterling, VA 20164
- (703) 444-8025