School Profile: Glenvar High
Welcome to the school profile for Glenvar High! Looking for local school information?
Glenvar High is located at 4549 Malus Dr, Salem, VA 24153-7921. The contact phone number is (540) 387-6536. It has a student/teacher ratio of 11.59.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Salem.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Roanoke County Public Schools
- Grade Range: 9 - 12
- Students: 626
- Teachers (FTE): 54
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 11.59
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Glenvar High
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Salem
- Primary Schools
- East Salem Elem.
- 1765 Boulevard
- Salem, VA 24153
- (540) 375-7001
- Fort Lewis Elem.
- 3115 West Main St
- Salem, VA 24153
- (540) 387-6594
- G. W. Carver Elem.
- 6 Fourth St
- Salem, VA 24153
- (540) 387-2492
- Glenvar Elem.
- 4507 Malus Dr
- Salem, VA 24153
- (540) 387-6540
- Masons Cove Elem.
- 3370 Bradshaw Rd
- Salem, VA 24153
- (540) 387-6530
- South Salem Elem.
- 1600 Carolyn Rd
- Salem, VA 24153
- (540) 387-2478
- West Salem Elem.
- 520 N Bruffey St
- Salem, VA 24153
- (540) 387-2503
- Middle Schools
- Andrew Lewis Middle
- 616 South College Ave
- Salem, VA 24153
- (540) 387-2513
- Glenvar Middle
- 4555 Malus Dr
- Salem, VA 24153
- (540) 387-6322
- High Schools
- Salem High
- 400 Spartan Dr
- Salem, VA 24153
- (540) 387-2437
- Other Schools
- Arnold R. Burton Tech Ctr
- 1760 Boulevard
- Salem, VA 24153
- (540) 857-5000