School Profile: Castlewood High
Welcome to the school profile for Castlewood High! Looking for local school information?
Castlewood High is located at Route 3, Castlewood, VA 24224. The contact phone number is (276) 762-9449. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.08.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Castlewood.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Russell County Public Schools
- Grade Range: 8 - 12
- Students: 377
- Teachers (FTE): 25
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.08
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Castlewood High
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Castlewood
- Primary Schools
- Castlewood Elem.
- Rt 3
- Castlewood, VA 24224
- (276) 762-2315
- Cleveland Elem.
- Hwy 661
- Cleveland, VA 24225
- (276) 889-6534
- Copper Creek Elem.
- Hwy 58
- Castlewood, VA 24224
- (276) 794-9306
- Lebanon Primary
- 991 East Main Street
- Lebanon, VA 24266
- (276) 883-4014
- St. Paul Elem.
- 3200 4th Avenue
- St Paul, VA 24283
- (276) 762-5941
- Middle Schools
- Lebanon Elementary
- 56 George Ben Whited Drive
- Lebanon, VA 24266
- (276) 889-6531
- Lebanon Middle
- 131 West Main Street
- Lebanon, VA 24266
- (276) 889-6548
- High Schools
- Honaker High
- A P Baldwin Dr
- Honaker, VA 24266
- (276) 873-6363
- Lebanon High
- 1 Pioneer Dr Hwy 841
- Lebanon, VA 24266
- (276) 889-6539
- St. Paul High
- 3207 Fourth Ave
- St Paul, VA 24283
- (276) 762-5221
- Other Schools
- Dickenson County Career Center
- State Route 83
- Clinchco, VA 24266
- (276) 835-9384
- Project Bridge/Russell Co
- 1 School Board Dr
- Lebanon, VA 24266
- (540) 889-6500
- Russell County Voc.
- 1 Vocational School Road
- Lebanon, VA 24266
- (276) 889-6550