School Profile: Queens Lake Middle
Welcome to the school profile for Queens Lake Middle! Looking for local school information?
Queens Lake Middle is located at 124 W Queens Dr, Williamsburg, VA 23185-4917. The contact phone number is (757) 220-4080. It has a student/teacher ratio of 10.65.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Williamsburg.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: York County Public Schools
- Grade Range: 6 - 8
- Students: 522
- Teachers (FTE): 49
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 10.65
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Queens Lake Middle
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Williamsburg
- Primary Schools
- Clara Byrd Baker Elem.
- 3131 Ironbound Rd
- Williamsburg, VA 23185
- (757) 221-0949
- James River Elem.
- 8901 Pocahontas Trail
- Williamsburg, VA 23185
- (757) 887-1768
- Magruder Elem.
- 700 Penniman Rd
- Williamsburg, VA 23185
- (757) 220-4067
- Matthew Whaley Elem.
- 301 Scotland St
- Williamsburg, VA 23185
- (757) 229-1931
- Rawls Byrd Elem.
- 112 Laurel Ln
- Williamsburg, VA 23185
- (757) 229-7597
- Waller Mill Elem.
- 314 Waller Mill Rd
- Williamsburg, VA 23185
- (757) 220-4060
- Middle Schools
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- 1118 Ironbound Rd
- Williamsburg, VA 23185
- (757) 229-8051
- James Blair Middle
- 117 Ironbound Rd
- Williamsburg, VA 23185
- (757) 229-1341
- Other Schools
- Middle Peninsula Juvenile Detention Home
- 9300 Merrimac Trail
- Williamsburg, VA 23185
- (757) 887-0225
- Other Schools
- Merrimac Center Juvenile Detention
- 9300 Merrimac Trail
- Williamsburg, VA 23185
- (757) 887-0225