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Columbia Middle School Profile

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School Profile: Columbia Middle School

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Columbia Middle School is located at 835 Maple Street, Burbank, WA 99323-0548. The contact phone number is (509) 545-8571. It has a student/teacher ratio of 18.64.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Columbia Sch Dist 400
  • Grade Range: 6 - 8
  • Students: 233
  • Teachers (FTE): 12.5
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 18.64
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Columbia Middle School

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Primary Schools
Canyon View Elementary School
1229 West 22nd Place
Kennewick, WA 99337
(509) 585-3390
Cascade Elementary School
505 South Highland Drive
Kennewick, WA 99337
(509) 585-3400
Columbia Elementary
977 Maple Street
Burbank, WA 99323
(509) 547-9393
Edwin Markham Elementary
4031 Elm Road
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6790
Emerson Elementary
1616 W Octave St
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6792
Finley Elementary
213504 E Cougar Rd
Kennewick, WA 99337
(509) 586-7577
James Mcgee Elementary
4601 N Horizon Drive
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 547-6583
Longfellow Elementary
301 North 10th Avenue
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 547-2429
Mark Twain Elementary
1801 N Road 40
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6794
Pasco Early Childhood
1215 W Lewis
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6703
Robert Frost Elementary
1915 North 22nd Avenue
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6795
Rowena Chess Elementary
715 N 24th Ave
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6789
Ruth Livingston Elementary
2515 Road 84
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 546-2688
Southgate Elementary School
3121 West 19th Avenue
Kennewick, WA 99337
(509) 585-3380
Star Elementary
24180 Pasco Kahlotus Rd.
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 547-2704
Stevens Middle School
1120 N 22nd Avenue
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6798
Virgie Robinson Elementary
125 S. Wehe Ave
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6700
Washington Elementary School
105 West 21st Avenue
Kennewick, WA 99337
(509) 585-3320
Whittier Elementary
616 N Wehe Avenue
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6750
Middle Schools
Ellen Ochoa Middle School
1801 E Sheppard St
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6742
Finley Middle School
37208 S Finley Rd
Kennewick, WA 99337
(509) 586-7561
Horse Heaven Hills Middle School
3500 South Vancouver Street
Kennewick, WA 99337
(509) 585-3260
High Schools
Columbia High School
787 Maple Street
Burbank, WA 99323
(509) 545-8573
Pasco Senior High School
1108 N 10th Avenue
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 547-5581
River View High School
36509 S Lemon Dr
Kennewick, WA 99337
(509) 582-2158
Other Schools
Maya Angelou Elementary
6001 N Road 84
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6748
Mcloughlin Middle School
2803 N Road 88
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 547-4542
New Horizons High School
3110 Argent Road
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6796
Touchet Elem & High School
90 Champion Street
Touchet, WA 99360
(509) 394-2352
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