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Warden Elementary Profile

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School Profile: Warden Elementary

Welcome to the school profile for Warden Elementary! Looking for local school information?

Warden Elementary is located at 101 W. Beck Way, Warden, WA 98857-9401. The contact phone number is (509) 349-2311. It has a student/teacher ratio of 17.70.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Warden Sch Dist 146
  • Grade Range: PK - 5
  • Students: 478
  • Teachers (FTE): 27
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 17.70
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Warden Elementary

Nearby Schools

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Primary Schools
Garden Heights Elementary
707 E Nelson Road
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2651
Hiawatha Elementary School
615 E Juniper Street
Othello, WA 99344
(509) 488-3389
Knolls Vista Elementary
454 W Ridge Road
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2652
Lakeview Terrace Elementary
780 S. Clover Drive
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2653
Larson Heights Elementary
700 Lindberg Lane
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2655
Lind Elementary School
206 W 3rd St
Lind, WA 99341
(509) 677-3481
Longview Elementary
9783 Apple Road Ne
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2656
Lutacaga Elementary
615 E Juniper Street
Othello, WA 99344
(509) 488-9669
Mlc/Discover Elementary
502 South C St
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2657
North Elementary
1200 West Craig Street
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2654
Peninsula Elementary
2406 W. Texas Street
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2658
Scootney Springs Elementary
615 E Juniper Street
Othello, WA 99344
(509) 488-9625
Middle Schools
Chief Moses Middle School
1111 E Nelson Road
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2661
Frontier Middle School
517 West Third Avenue
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2662
Mcfarland Junior
615 E Juniper Street
Othello, WA 99344
(509) 488-3326
Warden Middle School
101 W. Beck Way
Warden, WA 98857
(509) 349-2581
High Schools
Lind Jr Sr High
N 507 'E' Street
Lind, WA 99341
(509) 677-3408
Moses Lake High School
803 E. Sharon Ave.
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2666
Othello High School
615 E Juniper Street
Othello, WA 99344
(509) 488-3351
Warden High School
101 W. Beck Way
Warden, WA 98857
(509) 349-2581
Other Schools
Columbia Basin Secondary School
7942 Randolph Road N.E.
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 766-2667
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