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Cross Lanes Elementary School Profile

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School Profile: Cross Lanes Elementary School

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Cross Lanes Elementary School is located at 5525 Big Tyler Road, Charleston, WV 25313-1303. The contact phone number is (304) 776-2022. It has a student/teacher ratio of 20.10.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Kanawha County
  • Grade Range: PK - 5
  • Students: 402
  • Teachers (FTE): 20
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 20.10
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Cross Lanes Elementary School

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Dunbar, WV 25064
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Dunbar, WV 25064
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Saint Albans, WV 25177
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Charleston, WV 25312
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Nitro, WV 25143
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Poca, WV 25159
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Charleston, WV 25313
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4616 1st Avenue
Nitro, WV 25143
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142 Marshall Avenue
Dunbar, WV 25064
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Middle Schools
Andrew Jackson Middle School
5445 Big Tyler Road
Charleston, WV 25313
(304) 776-3310
Dunbar Middle School
325 27th Street
Dunbar, WV 25064
(304) 766-0363
Hayes Junior High School
830 Strawberry Road
Saint Albans, WV 25177
(304) 722-0222
Mckinley Junior High School
3000 Kanawha Terrace
Saint Albans, WV 25177
(304) 722-0218
Poca Middle School
Main Street
Poca, WV 25159
(304) 755-7343
High Schools
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500 28th Street
Dunbar, WV 25064
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Nitro High School
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Nitro, WV 25143
(304) 755-4321
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Rt. 1, Box 5b
Poca, WV 25159
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Saint Albans, WV 25177
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Charleston, WV 25312
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60 Manfred Holland Way
Dunbar, WV 25064
(304) 766-3502
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