School Profile: Green Bay Correctional Inst
Welcome to the school profile for Green Bay Correctional Inst! Looking for local school information?
Green Bay Correctional Inst is located at 2833 Riverside Dr, Green Bay, WI 54307-9033. The contact phone number is (920) 432-4877. It has a student/teacher ratio of 4.91.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Wisconsin Dept Of Corrections
- Grade Range: 11 - 12
- Students: 53
- Teachers (FTE): 10.8
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 4.91
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Green Bay Correctional Inst
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Green Bay
- Primary Schools
- Aldo Leopold Comm Sch K 8
- 622 Eliza St
- Green Bay, WI 54301
- (920) 448-2140
- Danz Elementary
- 2130 Basten St
- Green Bay, WI 54302
- (920) 391-2440
- Doty Elementary
- 525 Longview Ave
- Green Bay, WI 54301
- (920) 337-2360
- Eisenhower Elementary
- 1770 Amy St
- Green Bay, WI 54302
- (920) 391-2420
- Howe Elementary
- 525 S Madison St
- Green Bay, WI 54301
- (920) 448-2141
- Langlade Elementary
- 400 Broadview Dr
- Green Bay, WI 54301
- (920) 337-2370
- Martin Elementary
- 626 Pinehurst Drive
- Green Bay, WI 54302
- (920) 391-2405
- Nicolet Elementary
- 1309 Elm St
- Green Bay, WI 54302
- (920) 448-2142
- Sullivan Elementary
- 1567 Deckner Ave
- Green Bay, WI 54302
- (920) 391-2470
- Webster Elementary
- 2101 S Webster Ave
- Green Bay, WI 54301
- (920) 448-2143
- Middle Schools
- Edison Middle
- 442 Alpine Dr
- Green Bay, WI 54302
- (920) 391-2450
- Washington Middle
- 314 S Baird St
- Green Bay, WI 54301
- (920) 448-2095
- High Schools
- East High
- 1415 E Walnut St
- Green Bay, WI 54301
- (920) 448-2090
- Preble High
- 2222 Deckner Ave
- Green Bay, WI 54302
- (920) 391-2400