School Profile: Holmes Elementary
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Holmes Elementary is located at 2463 N Buffum St, Milwaukee, WI 53212-2901. The contact phone number is (414) 267-1300. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.21.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Milwaukee.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Milwaukee
- Grade Range: PK - 8
- Students: 426
- Teachers (FTE): 28
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.21
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Holmes Elementary
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Milwaukee
- Primary Schools
- Fratney Elementary
- 3255 N Fratney St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 267-1100
- Gaenslen Elementary
- 1250 E Burleigh St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 267-5700
- Guadalupe Head Start North
- 2611 N Weil St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 643-6441
- King Jr Elementary
- 3275 N 3rd St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 267-1500
- Meir Elementary
- 1555 N Martin Luther King Dr
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 212-3200
- Pierce Elementary
- 2765 N Fratney St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 267-4400
- Washington Carver Academy
- 1900 N 1st St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 267-0500
- Middle Schools
- Milwaukee Education Center
- 227 W Pleasant St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 212-2900
- Prep Sch For Global Leadership
- 1916 N Fourth St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 264-3380
- High Schools
- Aurora Weier Early Col Bil Hi
- 2669 N Richards St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 562-8398
- The Alliance School
- 234 W Galena St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 227-2550
- Transition Success Center
- 4200 N Holton St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 229-0780
- Other Schools
- Comm Trade And Bus Cntr (Ctbc)
- 2760 N 1st St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 267-8608
- Malcolm X Academy
- 2760 N 1st St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 267-8600
- Other Schools
- Afro Urban Institute
- 600 W Walnut St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 562-6969
- Garfield Avenue Elementary
- 2215 N 4th St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 267-1200
- Palmer Elementary
- 1900 N 1st St
- Milwaukee, WI 53212
- (414) 267-0500