School Profile: Eaa/Oshkosh 3 Rd Gr Aviation
Welcome to the school profile for Eaa/Oshkosh 3 Rd Gr Aviation! Looking for local school information?
Eaa/Oshkosh 3 Rd Gr Aviation is located at 1225 N Oakwood Rd, Oshkosh, WI 54904-8456. The contact phone number is (920) 424-0164.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Oshkosh.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Oshkosh Area
- Grade Range: 3 - 3
- Students: 45
- Teachers (FTE): -1
- Student/Teacher Ratio: n/a
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Eaa/Oshkosh 3 Rd Gr Aviation
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Oshkosh
- Primary Schools
- Green Meadow Elementary
- 4304 Pickett Rd
- Oshkosh, WI 54904
- (920) 424-0391
- Oakwood Elementary
- 1225 N Oakwood Rd
- Oshkosh, WI 54904
- (920) 424-0315
- Traeger Elementary
- 3000 W 20th Ave
- Oshkosh, WI 54904
- (920) 424-0221
- Middle Schools
- Environmental Educ Charter Sch
- 1225 N Oakwood Rd
- Oshkosh, WI 54904
- (920) 424-0315
- Traeger Middle
- 3000 W 20th Ave
- Oshkosh, WI 54904
- (920) 424-0065