Same Great Site, More Control and Privacy!
Love your free community site, but want more features?
Upgrade to a premium website for only $19.99 a month, or save money with an annual payment of $199 a year!
Upgrade your website now! You'll be using the new features in minutes.
Administrative Controls

We provide simple and easy to use controls to administer membership levels, website privacy, color scheme and logos.
Public and Private Areas

Sections of your website may be deemed public, private, or hidden completely.
Even in public areas individual pages and documents may be made private, allowing member-only access to sensitive material.
Member Management

Member registration allows you to control who can view and make changes to your website.
New membership requests, including name and email information, are sent to the administrator(s) and you approve/deny access with a single click.
Discussion Forum Controls

Forum can be made public, private, or disabled completely.
Topics from other areas are excluded - discussion limited to your members.
Administrators have complete control to remove any item.
Library of Design Styles

Color schemes can be changed at anytime with the click of a mouse.
A library of stock photos is also provided at no extra cost.
No Advertising

Our premium sites have no advertising; however, premium websites are provided an easy to use tool that enables them to create and sell their own advertising on their websites.
Email Blast!

Email Blast provides instant communication with members through simple-to-manage mailing lists.
Multiple email lists can easily be setup for committees, board members, etc.
There is no reason to pay extra for a separate email service!
Quick Invite

Premium Websites provide a simple way to invite new members!
Do you already have email addresses for your members? Use our "Quick Invite" feature to send them a personalized invitation to join your website.
You can pair the Quick Invite with the Mailing List feature to get everyone in your neighborhood or HOA both site membership and signed up for your email blasts!
Your Own Domain Name

All premium websites are provided their own Unique Domain Name (ie: as part of their annual fee.
Having your own domain name makes it simple and easy for people to get to your website.
Hit Report

Hit reports allow to you to monitor the activity on your website and will help you answer questions like:
- What are the most active pages?
- What are the most popular sections?
- What are the most recent trends?
60 Day Money Back Guarantee

You must be fully satisfied!
We will refund your payment for any reason in the first 60 days.
Ready to upgrade? Click here to begin! It only takes a couple of minutes, and all your old content is preserved.
Have questions? Contact our support staff and we can help.