Tip: Write A Neighborhood History!

Improve the friendliness and solidarity in your neighborhood today!

A shared/common history is very influential when connecting neighbors. Your website is an ideal way to write and share your history and help build a sense of community and pride in your neighborhood.

If you don't have a history already written, try taking these steps to start:
  • Find out when your neighborhood was built.
  • Find the person who has lived in your area the longest and interview them.
  • Ask long time residents for old pictures of your neighborhood.
  • Research your neighborhood at the public library.
  • Research your neighborhood in your local newspaper's archives.
Hints: Remember to cite your sources, and obtain permission to use any photos that you find in your research.

Examples of how real organizations have used this feature:

Greater Hilltop Community in Columbus, OH
East Sacramento Improvement Association in Sacramento, CA
Manor Lake Civic Association in Montgomery County, MA
Falcon Estates in Colorado Springs, CO